UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Anyone heard from Fine Arts / Dance - esp since callbacks became virtual ??? Maybe they’ll take everyone lol

My daughter is still waiting for a decision from plan 2. I think she said it’s supposed to come out by Feb 1 like the other decisions. She’s heard that she’s into engineering, but not yet about honors engineering either.

Still no decisions for you guys??

First, conrgats to your daughter! Second, what does her MyStatus page show to indicate that Plan II and honors decisions are still pending? Thanks.

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The last time she showed it to me, it said under the honors tab that they were still being reviewed. They show as submitted and under review.

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Texas A&M is a a great school with world class
engineering program. Rankings are miss leading from a lot of the gear publications. Any kiddo should be very happy to get into either UT or A&M.


Not a UT alum but almost attended twice. Almost attended A&M once as well.

I have a S22 who I would’ve liked to have applied to UT or A&M but he wouldn’t have gotten into UT for his majors (engineering then business) and A&M didn’t fit – like you said, fit matters. He’s down to SMU, Florida State (fingers crossed) and Indiana. FSU offers in-state tuition if you study abroad the first year.

FSU and Indiana thought they would do better than they did in football as well. However, they had fun with recent hoops wins over Duke and Purdue, respectively. A&M had a topsy-turvy football year with a mountain top win over #1 Alabama to go with a few losses. Longhorn baseball is supposed to be pretty good. #1 pre-season rating.

Besides sports, there’s urban vs. small town. High diversity vs. moderate diversity. Highly competitive vs. big fish syndrome. I’m watching the UT results and know that admissions is more holistic than many state universities and support UT’s top 6% rule and the fact that 22% of its entering class are Pell Grant recipients with 81% six year grad rate.

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Are the results coming for Early applicants today or for all applicants?

My student noticed that too! That was a bit confusing.

My dad went to SMU and he always said it was a mini A&M or UT. Lots of school spirit, good with academics and if you are going to stay in Dallas it will have some major connections.
SMU is expensive but pending GPA your kiddo might qualify for it.

Best of luck.


No telling really as the decision rollouts are pretty random.


Current UT admission cycle must be very hard for all the in-state students who are awaiting a decision. It’s very painful to see several top students waiting for their decision. I hope you get the good news in the next hour or so. All of you deserve better treatment from UT. Wishing you the very best!


Good luck to everyone! Hopefully we will all have some answers within the hour.

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Any wisdom or historical data behind the 1 hour?

what do we think about bhp decisions?

Historically, it’s 5-7:30 when they roll out the waves.

And A&M is happy to scoop up many of the ones whom UT treats poorly.


Which puts the lie to the notion that convincing admissions you really want your #1 major means a damn thing.

Honestly it feels like the Admissions Office throws darts, plays drinking games, spins the bottle, or pins the tail on the donkey to see who gets results in any wave.


I have not received a BHP interview but I have received acceptance to McCombs, so I am guessing I won’t get into BHP. Will the Honors tab just get updated?

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