UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

I’m currently deciding if I should apply priority or wait till RD to potentially get a USACO award and also refine my essays more (I only started them today).

Could I still get CS if I did RD?

For context, top 1%, good scores (especially in math on the SAT), a cs internship that I did a presentation on, and research where I had to apply cs. (Pub pending for this as well)


Potential USACO as in which month in senior year? You don’t have to wait just mention that in essay.
Apply early mainly means you have a chance getting results before winter break, if that doesn’t matter to you, apply RD.
UT CS attracts a lot of very top students for its facilities and financial resources so main factors for admissions are affirmative action related which applicants can’t control. So apply good backup schools like Georgia Tech, Ivies even MIT.

USACO competitions would be happening in December and I could probably submit any achievements before decisions would be made for me.

At this point, I’ve settled for applying RD. I’m also applying to other colleges, including Rice ED, for bioengineering. CS was something specific to UT I had in mind because of their incredibly good CS program. However, since I’m doing RD for UT now, would it be more optimal to apply for biomed eng instead of CS? I’m not sure if CS slots will even be open for RD is my main worry.

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The UT admission page simply notes you get your decision earlier by meeting the priority deadline. It says nothing about an admission advantage but that’s what you need to ask…well it’s kind of late.

What is your interest - not what they’re good at - is what you should apply for.

UT is not first come first serve so you don’t need to worry about RD or not. Good Luck!


Great! Thank you for the insight!

Twin 2 got his app in Halloween night before I’d let him go trick or treating lol. His test scores, transcripts etc had all been sent last month. He was just stuck on that last supplement of “How will you change the world”…he got it done though!

Major: Economics (COLA)/ Government -2nd choice
Class Rank: 72/1029 (just missed auto admit/top 6% by a hair!!)
ACT/SAT: 30/1300
GPA: 3.72 uw/4.78 w
AP’s: Will graduate with 11 AP classes
Extracurriculars: 4 years marching band, 2 years as section leader, 2 years on our City’s Youth Action Council, Boys State delegate from our school (was elected Assoc Supreme Court Justice while there), Interact Club, NHS, almost 90 hours of community service, part time job at Legoland and as a tutor for elementary & middle school kids

Looking at it as reach, but you never know!

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Looks to me like he has a great chance. My daughter (UT 2024) had very similar stats and was accepted to Moody. COLA might work in his favor.

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Could you let me know what you think my chances are for Honors College? I consider UT a hard target for me. I applied 10/12 as a chemistry major. And to the Honors College.

My high school does not rank
GPA: 4.0/4.45
APs: only 1
Dual Credit: 74 hours with a 4.0 (and an associates degree)
EC: Football, theatre, spanish club, math and science state competition, pharmacy internship, international teaching internship, 500+ hours of community service

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@gfloyd05 will 74 DC hours consider you a transfer, instead of incoming freshman?

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No. I am applying as a freshman. All DC hours were earned before HS graduation.


I want to change my major from Biology to Health and Society but my “why major” essay is about Biology. Should I change it and submit a new one in MyStatus?

if those majors are in the same college, I don’t think you need to. You aren’t committed at 17 or 18 years old to a major just because you had a feeling that’s what you might like to do when you filled out an application. you are allowed to change your mind after applying. neither one is business or comp sci which are so hard to get into.

Hi guys, I was wondering whether submitting my 1450 sat score was a bad idea. I applied to Mccombs as my first choice major. For context, I am in the top 3%, 3.96 UW/ 99.58 W, All state orchestra violin, state solo/ensemble violin, concertmaster of school orchestra, violin start up business, did accounting in family business, 3 coursera certificates related to finance/accounting, a lot of ecs related to violin (community service orchestras, youth orchestras, grade level programs), decent essays. I am really stressing out here because a lot of my friends all have over 1500+ and are making me feel like a 1450 will hurt my chances. Please let me know if you guys think this score will hurt my application.

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1450 won’t. Business school average score is 1400 only, but of course that’s due to affirmative action.
Your focus should be on your essay, which should resonate with UT slogan “how you plan to change the future”
I will downplay the orchestra (unless you are applying Butler Music School) as firstly nowadays there are way too many applicants with that and some schools even have 4 of them just to appease the parents. But more importantly, undergraduate admission is not reviewed by departments but admission office. AO sees people with orchestra (have time and money) as privileged which at times can be against the goal of diversity. Your business experience should be good points to link to your career plan on how you plan to change the future with UT education.
Good Luck!

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Which student has more chances to get into Mccombs? Top 6% with 1450 SAT or top 12% with 1550 SAT? Is ranking more important than SAT scores?

Ranking is more important. Top 6% alone can still be challenging and will largely depend on how essay and other profiles information work out.


Biology is in CNS and Health and Society is in COLA. Since they aren’t in the same college, would I have to rewrite my “why major” essay?

Would you recommend me using the prior essay I had about Biology and just changing every word to “Health and Society?”

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Anyone heard rumors that some auto admit kids will receive their majors this week?


Historically the auto acceptances into their major for some have come out the Friday before Thanksgiving, so there is a possibility there may be some acceptances late this