Hello guys,
I’m planning to apply to UT Austin this coming August as a transfer from ACC. I’m planning to attend their college of Natural Science to purse a bachelors in CS. I have 9 years work experience (still working currently), I’m a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, have a 3.7 GPA with 43 credits thus far. What are my chances of getting in? I don’t have any volunteer experience, however I am a math tutor in between my job and school. Thanks guys!
Are you doing PACE?
If you aren’t in PACE I think you would definitely be considered as a external transfer student-- I’m still not sure if PACE is internal or external. In 2013 or 2014, Mccombs had a 16% admittance rate for external vs a 58% admittance rate for internal transfers and the mean gpa was 3.8 for both. From my knowledge, Mccombs and engineering have similar admittance requirements. However you are going into CNS so you do have a better chance.
Thanks for the reply! I’m not in PACE. I’ve completed Calculus 1 & 2 getting an A and B. I don’t have any sciences yet though, but doing those shouldn’t be an issue (ACC or UT). Does UT make a big emphasis on EC’s? Thanks!
@Ryedog87 I’m sorry to disappoint but your chances are not looking too good , CS is probably the top three most competitive majors right next to McCombs and Chem E , i would even consider it to the hardest major to get into , not because of core restrictions but physical seats , the CS department is heavily underfunded causing it not be able to afford more staff , which is causing it to restrict the amount of students. I heard for fall 2014 internal transfer at UT , like a lot of people with 4.0s at UT got rejected as internal transfers . so in perspective its hard as hell to get into , so have a back up plan . sorry again to kinda to stomp on your hopes 
I’ve heard that before from people regarding their CS program. I’ll just try my luck and see what happens. Worst case scenario I end up at Texas State which isn’t that bad of a school. I really wanna go to UT though.
@Ryedog87, you also might want to consider UT Dallas - excellent CS dept and much easier to get into than UT. Or A&M is another good choice.
I’d thought about A&M. I own a home though near Austin, and selling it to move to College Station probably wouldn’t be a good idea. Maybe I could apply to COLA, and just stick it out until the CS department gets better. I still have a few classes I can take at ACC. Could I take math and science courses if I’m a COLA student?
Would I have a legit shot at getting into A&M? I could try talking my mom into something (she’s an aggie). I know their CS is supposed to be really good.
CS doesn’t take transfers in Spring, even though it will let you apply. Other CNS majors take Spring admits, but the number of internal + external admits for CS this semester was 0.
It almost sounds like it’s easier to get accepted at Harvard than UT. Wow
I have an idea I’ve been pondering with. I’m going to apply as a math major this coming spring since I can’t get into CS. I’ve already taken Calculus 2, so I’m already up to snuff to some degree. I need to take several more math courses for my CS degree anyway, so could I just take them and switch majors to CS once they have an opening? I’m a patient man. My main goal is just getting accepted into UT right now. Once I’m in I can go from there. Thanks!
Here’s the problem with that: you cannot apply as an internal transfer unless you have completed 24 hours on campus, but you can’t apply if you have more than 60. (Basically sophomore year is the time its okay to change majors).
So if you arrive in Spring 2016, you won’t be able to apply. And they only take applications in Spring. So you would have to fill the Spring 2016, Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 semesters with filler classes. The CS degree does not have several math courses, it only has 2 past Calculus that you could knock out, so that’s a lot of time to waste taking other classes. Then Spring 2017 will be your only chance to apply, and it will definitely be just as competitive as it is now. If you do that plan, make sure you’re following a Math degree for those 3 semesters and would be happy to finish it, if you don’t get into CS.
Bummer. I guess I’ll just wait and apply for the Fall 2016 semester. Probably my best bet