UVA Business . . . or shall I say, commerce

<p>Do current UVA students get priority in admissions to the school of commerce? If not, then why go to UVA freshman and sophomore year with intention to study business?</p>

<p>I suppose I can speak to this because I transferred to UVA from the University of Maryland directly into McIntire after my Sophomore year.</p>

<p>I'm not sure if I would say that current UVA students get "priority" admission, but transferring directly into the commerce school from another university is a formidable task.</p>

<p>From BusinessWeek magazine...
What's your acceptance rate?
We have a certain number that we're approved to admit from within UVA and another number for transfers. We try to bring in 325 to 330 third-year students, and 25 to 30 of those are typically transfers from other schools.</p>

<p>This year, the acceptance rate is going to be about 65%, and for the transfer students about 20%. On average, about 200 transfers and anywhere from 400 to 450 UVA students apply. This year, 466 students have applied, and the level of competitiveness continues to increase.

<p>Notice that 25 divided by 200 is much less than 20%. I think the transfer acceptance rate was in the low teens (~13%) this year -- much lower than the general transfer admissions rate. A lot of kids DONT apply to McIntire because they don't want to risk not getting into UVA (making things even more competive among the 200 that do).</p>

<p>So to answer your question: McIntire saves spots for transfer students. However, there is a lot of competition for those spots.</p>

<p>Wow, thanks. Can't answer any better than that!</p>

<p>on a related topic, is it pretty easy to get into McIntire from UVA? By easy, I mean do you basically have to maintain a certain GPA and do whatever prerequisites, or is it a little more competitive?</p>

<p>It's competitive in that people get rejected, but you're not competing against the brightest bunch in the world.</p>

<p>thats a little unfair, cav. I know plenty of smart people in the com school.</p>

<p>Insane- Yes, it's basically maintaining a GPA and doing some simple prereqs, if that is what you meant by easy. I think the acceptance rate is >50%</p>

<p>In general, the smartest people in any environment aren't interested in a major like "business". Sorry.</p>

<p>i repeat - that's a little unfair. There are plenty of smart people in the comm school. just because they don't major in astrophysics or microbiology doesn't make them less smart.</p>

<p>there are plenty of smart people in comm, but truthfully they're not the brightest of the bunch. people know that there are no friday classes and gpa is padded to an average of around 3.4, so that attracts those who don't care quite as much about work. oh and the acceptance rate is around 70%</p>

<p>Cav and Wahoo, you both sound like jealous English majors waiting tables to make a living because you couldn't get a real job. Since when is finance or accounting a major for dumb kids? And you think people decide on a major based on having no classes on Friday? That is the most absurd thing I've ever heard. </p>

Alum of the highest ranked school at UVA</p>

<p>I don't know how long since you were a student, but I have personally talked to comm school kids who said that no friday classes was a big reason they applied to comm. and I'm econ and foreign affairs by the way.</p>

<p>Econ major huh? Last I checked, that's the major full of Comm School rejects.</p>

<p>welp, not I, and I bet most of the comm school kids couldn't handle a lot of the math in some of the econ courses.</p>

<p>lol, typical comm school kid. And I don't think you can say anything is 'full' of any sort of rejects with a 70 percent acceptance rate.</p>

<p>Yeah, it's a 70% acceptance rate from a pool of UVA students! Aren't we all supposed to be smart to begin with, considering we all got into Virginia? I don't know why you laugh at the acceptance rate for this reason. It's not like B students from Radford are getting in. And it's funny that you call me a "typical comm school kid," because I call people like you "typical jealous non-comm school kids." And though there may not be tons of rejected students, the ones who do get rejected all seem to migrate to the Econ department. I also love the fact that we're improving the econ building and kicking those miscreants out. While they're doing "hard math problems," I think I'll enjoy the cuisine in the McIntire luxery box at the next football game.</p>

I think I'll enjoy the cuisine in the McIntire luxery box at the next football game.


<p>At least those of us in the college know how to spell luxury.</p>

<p>sorry, had to say it, couldn't help it.</p>

<p>Ahh you got me there. I would have pointed it out as well, so no harm done.</p>

<p>Millions of engineers are pouring out of China and India. The outrageous competition in medecine and law is driving down wages. With starting salaries exceeding fifty thousand and placement rates in the mid-nineties, McIntire is definitely a <em>smart</em> choice.</p>

<p>You can cruise in the luxury box at the football game, but it doesn't change what cav and wahoo have said- comm school kids are generally not the 'brightest' around. Lasker does point out the increasing competition for engineering from India and China- a battle that's causing us to slowly loosen our grip on our engineering edge because too many American students can't handle a real academic discipline and instead opt for a vocational degree. </p>

<p>I would say 70% acceptance rate in a school full of a ton of NoVa kids isn't impressive for anything. Others on this board will disagree though, so it's a relative thing.</p>