UVa Transfer Essay

<p>I did the "Is Ignorance Bliss? If Not, What Is?" prompt
...I worked it</p>

<p>"I those the Martin Luther King statement also."</p>

<p>"CHOSE!" LOL. See, I can't spell either! :) Nerves are getting the best of me, I'm afraid.</p>

<p>I haven't heard of anyone else doing the Ignorance-Bliss prompt. Anybody?</p>

<p>i did the bliss one</p>

<p>tight, what'd you have to say?</p>

<p>ignorance isn't bliss, persuit of knowledge is blah blah blah</p>

<p>and you?</p>

<p>I said ignorance isn't bliss, but facing truth is--but, it was actually a complete narrative essay about my family.</p>

<p>Do you wanna exchange them (private message)?</p>

<p>you know what sucks
after you read your essay for the 200th time and it starts to seem like it sucks...anyone else do that?</p>



<p>"you know what sucks
after you read your essay for the 200th time and it starts to seem like it sucks...anyone else do that?"</p>

<p>HMMMM...that happened to me WHEN I was writing it!...after the 200th time I started sobbing. </p>

<p>Here's what happened to me.....I had a day to finish the essays (the day AFTER my final critique in studio) and I choose the "is ignorance bliss?" question. I was in such a daze and in such "critical thinking" mode that my essay turned into a lecture on hegalian dialect....Im a friggin idiot.</p>

<p>isn't that hegelian?</p>

<p>yeah you're right...hope spell-check caught that one, haha.</p>

hegalian dialect


<p>Hegelian Dialect*ic*.</p>

<p>geez, you guys are brutal...but it is DIALECT, or at least it can be.</p>

<p>In a comical manner, yes; offically, I do not think it is a "dialect."</p>

<p>Hmmm, im pretty sure it is actually...2 N'western art/architecture hist. professors probably didn't spend an entire lecture using the wrong term. But who knows maybe they did, and sorry in advance if I sound like a jackass trying to defend them.</p>

<p>Unless you're referring to the colloquial of german idealism, dialectic is the correct term. heh.</p>

<p>Ok, well I guess im outnumbered.</p>

<p>how about.....we let ppl make as many grammar mistakes/mistakes on use of terms in their messages as they want :)</p>