UVA waitlist 2024 - Discuss UVA Wise and Other

I am starting this thread for UVA waitlisted 2024 class. Anyone explored the option of UVA wise which was given to UVA waitlisted students in arts and science college.

Please share some information if anyone has already taken that path before or anyone planning to take this year

I was waitlisted for Arts and Sciences! Does anyone know when waitlist decisions begin to come out?

FYI, there is a student in the UVA subforum on reddit who opted for the UVA Wise transfer option. CC doesn’t allow link there, but the reddit search feature works well.

I’m thinking about taking the UVA Wise offer, it seems like a good offer considering it’s one year at UVA Wise and then it’s guaranteed transfer to UVA as long as you meet the requirements.

Are you from NOVA? Did you visit the campus? How did you feel about ? Did you explore the credit options

Are you talking about this?

Yes, and I loved it. When I did it, not many people knew about the program, so it was a bit complicated. However, it’s becoming more popular and many people are now taking the opportunity to do the program and it’s only 1 year instead of 2 now.

My daughter’s dream school is UVA, she did ED , got deferred and got waitlisted now.
Her stats: GPA 4.31(weighted) from NOVA, SAT 1560.

This UVA seems to be very far and it is no where in the middle not much commute options other than driving 7 hrs from NOVA.

I see they should complete 30 hrs of credit and 3.0 GPA, is it possible not to get 3.0 GPA by a student who got 4.31 GPA and 1560 sat? np idea how hard college studies are?

Also my daughter has AP credits for AP world history, AP macro and micro and AP history, AP AB calculaus, she will get more in the seniot year as well. How would I find out the list of required credits from the UVA wise website? Please assist

My daughter was top 17% when she was deferred at ED in her school which is very competitive. but got her grades up in the first semester to top 12%, still got waitlisted. she is from NOVA. very upset being a virginia resident.

To those of you Deferred/Waitlisted: I’m sure you have some great options. Are you waitlisting at UVA or accepting elsewhere? If so, where to?

Yes, wait listing at UVA. Got acceptance to VT, W&M, VCU and GMU, Which school is good for business with finance major?

There is facebook group “UVA Deferred Admission Program Student/Family Discussion Group (UVA WISE)” created by seniors /and their parents who enrolled into UVA Wise deferred admission program last year. In case if anyone of you would like to discuss or ask about experiences.

I’m from NOVA. We have many good choices, but my son wants to take the UVA Wise option. I just learned from the Admissions that last year 24 students took the option and 22 were transferred to the main campus. The other two chose to stay.

From Sxofus: To those of you Deferred/Waitlisted: I’m sure you have some great options. Are you waitlisting at UVA or accepting elsewhere? If so, where to?

Waitlisting UVA but likely attending USC (U of Southern CA)

Waitlisting at UVA is fine, but good to have that transfer back-up ready just in case anything goes against plan, which most of you do.

If you decide on going to UVA, enjoy Grounds! Incredible institution all around.

deferred then waitlisted, probably attending Northeastern U, but hopefully will get off the Vanderbilt waitlist not getting my hopes up though.

I was wondering if anyone has received any further info from UVA Wise? I put that I was interested for more info on my UVA portal and received an email saying UVA Wise would be in touch within a few days, that was on 3/20. Not sure if I should email admissions office or wait a little longer, as there might be a delay due to the pandemic. I’ve really been considering the offer but I’m not sure what to do next.

You should have got your email by now. Check in spam. Call or email them , they respond very quickly. UVA wise had arranged a virtual discussion last Friday for those interested in this program. I assume they could share the recording with you.

We are considering taking the UVA-Wise option. Does anyone know if as a part of the 30 credits required to transfer to UVA-Charlottesville are the credits from HS? (My daughter has 8 credits from dual enrollment and AP, so does she need to take only 22 credits at Wise?)

Does anyone know how the corona virus will affect out-of-state people who are waitlisted? I’m from NY and UVA is my top choice and I want to get off the waitlist so badly.

@mathnerd77 From what I’ve heard, the COVID-19 crisis will not affect any pulls from the waitlist at UVA. Their deadline is still May 1st for accepting the offer of admission, and DeanJ already stated that the waitlist will be a factor in the upcoming class, but she cannot say how many they will need to pull. Good luck to you!

I got a call yesterday from the senior dean of admissions that I was given an offer at UVA (Engineering). My admission officer said that the process of accepting people from the waiting list is just starting so good luck. I’m OOS from NY