<p>I go to an average sized Catholic high school in Pennsylvania. I am white, upper middle class. I have a 4.0 UW GPA. By the time I graduate I'll have taken 6 AP classes, with the rest being honors. Rank 37 in 350. I really don't have impressive ECs...I wish someone told me how important it was when I was a freshman. I want to major in history and minor in Spanish.</p>
<p>*Will be co-Captain of my school's varsity soccer team next year, and have played since freshman year. </p>
<p>*Two years of varsity rugby (had to quit due to injuries).</p>
<p>*Part time Job in the Summers since sophomore year working at day camps for kids.</p>
<p>*Member of Community Service Corps at my school two years.</p>
<p>*NHS Senior Year</p>
<p>I want to know my chances of getting into my reach schools: University of Maryland, Georgetown University, Washington and Lee University, and UVA.</p>
<p>Don't bother with niceties please. Just tell me your opinion straight. Any and all help appreciated. Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Also. If you had your choice of these schools, which would you choose?</p>
<p>sorry i didnt mention but i also got a 680 Math, 720 Writing, 710 CR</p>
<p>W & L and UMaryland are definite possibilites… I think you would have a good shot at either (more so at UMaryland, of course). Georgetown and UVa (esp for out of state) seem like a bit of a reach right now; try pulling that SAT up another hundred points, and try to improve class rank. The only bad thing is that you have a 4.0 and are 37 in your class… it seems a tad like grade inflation…</p>
<p>UM, WL - match
UVA, GTown - reach</p>
<p>I’m being tough because you’re an OOS student. But if you get into all four, UVA gives you the best bang for the buck.</p>
<p>To opheliarose: I understand. It’s good to hear reality though it is not in my favor in a couple of the cases. Previously I had thought they were all reach schools…to hear that two of them may be options is great news.</p>
<p>I really have a 4.0 UW. 94 avg. since freshman year. It is a low 4.0 I guess. Plus, my grade is really gifted I hear. </p>
<p>Thanks for all the replies. I feel very ignorant when it comes to colleges but I do have a better sense of where I stand now.</p>