UW chances or stanford

<p>ok.. im a junior right now.. and i want to get into the Medical Scholars program at UW-Madison... or possibly apply to stanford.</p>

<p>so here are my stats so far... i didnt take SAT I or ACT yet, but im going to take ACT the upcoming weekend, and im thinking i'll get around a 32.. hopefully a 34 lol</p>

<p>weighted GPA 4.55 out of 5 (they count regular courses as 4 :mad: )
class rank of 4 out of about... 340
sat II biology 720
AP Courses:
AP US history 4
AP Biology 5
AP Enviro Sci 4
AP psych 4</p>

<p>im taking AP euro, chem, physics, and government this year...possibly self study world history, and next year will take econ, stats, music theory, calc.. and probably something i cant think of right now...</p>

<p>as for extra curricular... ive won a couple of music awards for clarinet and piano at a state level competition...been in school newspaper for two years... am in NHS, currently trying out for NOSB (national ocean science bowl)... have yet to get a leadership position lol, am in science olympiad...as for sports... i think im going to go for tennis this year.. i was on gymnastics sophomore year... but i sprained my ankle after 3 weeks hehe</p>

<p>and i have around 170 hrs of volunteer so far and im aiming for 300 by the end of probably... before college applications lol and i have a part-time job....</p>

<p>so yea... i guess this program im going for has around 300 applicants a year and only 40 in the state get in :(</p>

<p>so wut do u guys think my chances are of getting into Med Scholars or maybe stanford are? </p>

<p>right now i havent a clue lol.....</p>

<p>Don't worry about not having leadership positions yet. Until my senior year I had very little leadership, and now, I have a inundation of positions, so much so that I had to resign from a few because I couldn't keep up with them all. Anyway, you are on track. The tests are important, but don't let them affect your decision. If you do well, congratulations, but if you don't it's no big deal, you can always take them again. Anyway, as a junior, I think you need to concentrate on your grades and keep working hard. Stay away from this post if you're smart. I have fallen into a deep dependency on this board to get through my day until I receive my Early Action Admission letter from Harvard. Anyways, just keep working hard, and see what happens. You seem to be on the right track.</p>

<p>wahoo, me too. satanjie its hard to say without having taken SATs yet. ur on course, perhaps just slightly behind in terms of leadership. whats ur uwgpa (everyone rates regular classes out of 4)?</p>

<p>yea... im planning to take the SAT I later this spring.. when the new stuff is in effect :mad: i hope its easier lol cuz it sure is longer</p>

<p>any other thoughts? ... anyone from wisconsin? lol</p>

<p>good... but are you sure you're not embellishing on anything? like the 170 hours of volunteering? christ, i could see a 170 hours of Maple Story maybe, but i don't think that counts....</p>