<p>ok.. im a junior right now.. and i want to get into the Medical Scholars program at UW-Madison... or possibly apply to stanford.</p>
<p>so here are my stats so far... i didnt take SAT I or ACT yet, but im going to take ACT the upcoming weekend, and im thinking i'll get around a 32.. hopefully a 34 lol</p>
<p>weighted GPA 4.55 out of 5 (they count regular courses as 4 :mad: )
class rank of 4 out of about... 340
sat II biology 720
AP Courses:
AP US history 4
AP Biology 5
AP Enviro Sci 4
AP psych 4</p>
<p>im taking AP euro, chem, physics, and government this year...possibly self study world history, and next year will take econ, stats, music theory, calc.. and probably something i cant think of right now...</p>
<p>as for extra curricular... ive won a couple of music awards for clarinet and piano at a state level competition...been in school newspaper for two years... am in NHS, currently trying out for NOSB (national ocean science bowl)... have yet to get a leadership position lol, am in science olympiad...as for sports... i think im going to go for tennis this year.. i was on gymnastics sophomore year... but i sprained my ankle after 3 weeks hehe</p>
<p>and i have around 170 hrs of volunteer so far and im aiming for 300 by the end of probably... before college applications lol and i have a part-time job....</p>
<p>so yea... i guess this program im going for has around 300 applicants a year and only 40 in the state get in :(</p>
<p>so wut do u guys think my chances are of getting into Med Scholars or maybe stanford are? </p>
<p>right now i havent a clue lol.....</p>