UW General Impression?

<p>Hi, I am going to be a freshman in the Fall of 2014. I am from California and am nervous about the greek life being all wisconsin people, or just not knowing where to go and what to do. Any advice/ general impressions about the school would be great, just wondering what to prepare myself for, for the next four years. Thanks!</p>

<p>Actually many Greeks are from OOS and it is thought of as more an OOS thing these days.</p>

<p>Very few UW students are involved in Greek life. There are enough to have it but as above it is more likely for OOS students to consider it. Don’t worry about it at all. Once you are at Wisconsin you can figure out your social life. You may decide not to get involved in the Greek system. There are plenty of activities without joining that. There will be plenty of “Wisconsin Welcome” week activities and dorm activities to meet people and discover the campus next fall. You and around 6,000 other new freshmen will learn the ropes and fall in love with the place like the rest of us did.</p>

<p>You can run into UW alumni all over the country- including California. The campus and student body is large enough that many diverse people can have a great and unique experience. Think of the Blind Men and the Elephant story. Depending on who you talk to you will get a different story about UW- just as those blind men felt different parts of the elephant.</p>