UW Madison Class of 2027 Official Thread

As a grad of the UW real estate program I say good choice. Excellent placement and alumni connections.

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My son committed to UW in March. He’s a direct admit to the business school in the real estate program. He’s really excited. Did your son accept the spot off the waitlist?

Yes. He go off waitlist about two weeks ago. We were all set for UK since last October (we are duel citizen) and I was so happy. However, he just loved WI so we did a 180 and hopes it works out. He only wants the Real Estate program and will just have to work hard to make it in. Real Estate is in his blood as it is a family business. WI program is supposedly incredible. Congrats to your son! Did he happen to get Sellery for dorm (across from Business school). Son on 11th floor.

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He’s going to be in the statesider. Probably should have done UW dorms but he has friends there and with such a big school wanted to be somewhere smaller where he might know a few kids.

I guess we were clueless. Don’t know anyone at the school and didn’t know private dorms were an option. He is the only kid from his Boarding School going to WI. Would have loved single room so he can study. We are doing the buisness SOAR end of month 29/30h. Will be my first visit! Looking forward to it.

He will have a great time in Sellery! My kid lived in Sellery. Move in day will be rough on the 11th floor playing elevator jockey. :joy:

No worries, it’s all win-win!

Sellery is a great location for a freshman – it’s a short walk to the B School, Psych, Chem, Communications and Humanities buildings. He’ll probably have a class or two in Bascom Hall (top of the hill
), but that walk is quintessential to the experience. Maybe Van Hise (over the hill
) for a foreign language class.

Your student will get out of it whatever they put in to it. My oldest lived in Witte (just next door to Sellery) and it was a great experience As a rising senior, she still lives with some friends from Witte.

My youngest, after months of waiting, received admission off the waitlist. Unfortunately, it was just too late and he is excited about and is going to another Big Ten school.

So, my unsolicited advice as I drop from this chain: Wisconsin is a very special school and Madison is a very special place. As Ferris Bueller said, if you dont stop and look around once in awhile, you might miss it. Enjoy this time as it goes by too quickly! On Wisconsin!


Does anyone know how hard it is to get into the Wisconsin School of Business if you’re admitted as a pre-business student? My daughter got admitted off the waitlist yesterday for pre-business and wants to study accounting & finance. She is currently planing to attend the University of Miami and was directly admitted into the Herbert Business School, but thinks she might like the culture/students of a midwest university better and has also spent her summers at a family lake house in Wisconsin. Being from Southern California, she likes the thought of four seasons and Coral Gables can be hot & humid. She has a nice merit scholarship from UMiami so the cost is higher at the U, but not material. She has a sibling already at Miami, but friends from both CA & WI going to Madison. She is in a bit of a quandary, because if she doesn’t get into the WI business school it doesn’t really serve the ultimate goal (at least right now). And FL (and all the south) is booming with business job opportunities. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

I got admitted into pre business yesterday as well and am debating the same thing

I would recommend going where you are direct admit. It is difficult to get admitted. I know several that had to transfer in order to pursue the degree of choice.


Same boat here. My son just got in pre-business. We are likewise out of state with direct elsewhere but this would have been a definite yes if it came in April

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Link below shows requirements for admit into business school, plus percentages of who gets in:

That is my hunch as well, but my daughter spoke with her friend’s brother who just graduated with a finance degree from Madison and he said it’s “easy“ to get into the business school. Both he and his roommate were pre-business and got accepted no problems. However, that would have been during COVID. So, not sure how that factored in. I did see another post from a few years ago that mentions 50% of pre-business get in (average freshman year GPA 3.6 with some good campus involvement). Who knows? This whole process has gotten crazy especially for the cost of all of this. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the link! For others in the same boat, we spoke with the business school admissions office and they said just under 50% of pre-business majors got accepted this year. Average freshman year GPA was 3.75-3.8. So very competitive. You get one chance to apply and it’s Holistic. The students attend a workshop that helps them navigate the process.

Just received “Wait list closed” email. Good stats, Live in Wisconsin all our lives , saved saved for tuition. Now will pay out of state tuition. :us:

A friendly reminder to new applicants, there are other affordable and good in state options in Wisconsin. Admissions to Madison has gotten more competitive. Good to have a couple of those directionals in your back pocket.

I know students who’ve had great experiencses at LaCrosse, Eau Claire (this is a beautiful campus BTW, just got to visit recently), Stevens Point, Milwaukee, Parkside. Some who’ve then chose to transfer to Madison for year 3 & 4.

My dad actually graduated from Osh Kosh and was highly successful entrepreneur. A Parkside grad friend is all kinds of successful.


Yes, all very good options. But not if you have other outlying parameters that are important to you. In state Big Ten, and it goes further than that. Current articles referencing how many in-state qualified graduates are actually exercising their profession and career out of state. Because they had to seed themselves out of state with a college.

Sorry for replying so late to your post but I just saw it – your daughter has probably already decided. But I wanted to weigh in bc we are 1) from socal 2) have twins at BOTH Miami and Wisco in business programs. I hope she’s happy with her choice!

Thanks for reaching out! It was a tough decision, but she decided to stick with the Canes. - She is doing the BS in Accounting & Finance degree. She liked her roommate & classes. Plus our oldest son is there and loving it.

Anecdotally, she had an in-state WI friend that just got denied from the business school with a 3.7 freshman year GPA and a solid resume. So, he had to change his major. And then another friend that just graduated with a finance degree is still looking for a job. Basically, those 2 data points scared her away.

If she would have been a direct admit into the business school or if it was a T20 school, she might have went with Bucky instead of Sebastian. :slight_smile:

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