UW Madison Class of 2027 Official Thread

Hey MN mom, look here …lots.of.acceptances.

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OOS deferred student - anyone know any tips on how to get in from deferred? It is my dream school.

Not accepted, OOS. Was accepted to the Dance program after in person auditions this fall. University did not admit. Sigh.

As a PSA for the Minnesota RD applicants: NO ONE in S23’s circle was accepted into L&S in the EA round, including several super high stats kids (top ten in class, etc), and admissions just send an email to them explaining that they received double the number of expected applicants for L&S.

He does know of a few MN kids accepted into other schools (S23 accepted for engineering, and he knows of at least two accepted into College of Education), so it’s not a complete shut-out. However, I think it’s safe to say that Madison should now be considered a high reach for MN kids for L&S, even for the very highest stats applicants. This probably applies to other OOS kids as well.


this has been the case for CA students at many top OOS flagships for a while. It sucks for the kids-- I mean they can’t cant help which state they live in! I understand the university’s predicament though. Good luck in the RD round.

Yes totally agree. I was just at an info session on campus. If you are from MN, IL, CA, NY things are just SUPER competitive. NJ and Texas next, possibly?

My twin cities kid was just admitted EA into L&S and I don’t think she gets how LUCKY she is this round. Hearing the same things from our corners. She is a PSEO student, maybe that helped.

@Mom4dayz , that is heartbreaking, I’m so sorry. My kid is a music kid so I really get it.

My son is a senior in CS at UW-Mad and I’m afraid they will need to change acceptance on CS program to before admission until after with all these apps. The CS department is housed in L&S. His freshman class was the largest ever admitted. And it’s been larger the next 2 years.

On that, he had stats to apply anywhere and is having an AMAZING experience at UW-MAdison. I love it so much. I would be thrilled if my daughter ends up there too.

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Admissions sent an email explaining why they were not admitted? My twins are high stats from Illinois and deferred. Neither got an email explaining anything.
Illinois has historically been tough for admissions since they got rid of reciprocity with Illinois. When I was a student at UW Madison, most of my out of state classmates were from the east coast, Illinois, Minnesota, and California.
My 2021 grad got into UW with slightly lower stats than his siblings who are now deferred and heartbroken. We are now in a scramble to make sure they can find their second dream school because I am not hopeful that they will be admitted in RD. For kids who have pics of themselves with Bucky Badger since they were like 5, this stings.

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Not a personalized email, I don’t think. Sorry, I don’t have any further details: this was just what S23 heard from a friend who was deferred. Maybe he got bad info? In any case, the crazy low admit rates for high-stats OOS kids that we’re all hearing about speak for themselves.

I also have a 2021 grad whose high achieving peers generally got in, even coming from MN. We all knew that Madison is no longer a ‘safety’, but I feel like it has gone being from a ‘match’ to a ‘reach’ for high-stats OOS kids in just two admission cycles. I can hardly believe it.

And surely at least some of these OOS kids will get in eventually once they’ve secured enough spots for their in-state students. Best wishes that your twins will be among them. :crossed_fingers:

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Exactly! My D was accepted EA from California. Going in we thought UW was a “likely” but seeing how things are playing out she realizes she was very fortunate even though her stats are super high.

Good luck to everyone in RD.

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Any accepted students applying to Honors College? I am curious how selective it is (what % are accepted into Honors?) When are students notified about Honors acceptance?

Also, I wonder whether there are any automatic scholarship announced yet if you get accepted?

I have a badger senior (and a just accepted student). If you are interested in L&S honors, I would apply as soon as possible. Anyone can apply and I think the vast majority are accepted. And you can always drop out. But when it’s full it is full.

My senior applied late because he decided late. Well he jumped all the application hoops and got a letter that basically said “you should be in honors but we’re full”. He was ACT 34/4.0, 35+ college credits. I was irritated at the time. But it’s been fine. He has done 2 rigorous majors, was on the Dean’s list a bunch, was just nominated to Phi Beta Kappa UW Chapter. So there are other ways to be recognized with honors at graduation.

Thanks. She applied Saturday. So I guess we are hopeful. Honors can make a big difference at a huge public school. I am not 100% familiar with UW’s program though. S23 was accepted to UMass Honors College and that makes UMass appealing in ways that it would not otherwise be. But Honors can vary a lot school to school.

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My son was also deferred - oos. Does anyone know if they just take first semester grades or if should he be submitting additional materials/recommendations/etc?

UW does not have an honors college like many universities — they have an honors academic track. Many of the schools with honors colleges have honors dorms, early registration for classes, small classes, and other perks. UW does not seem to have a similar program (although I do recall the curve for an honors Organic Chem class I took a long time ago at UW Madison made it the “easier” section that semester….it was a trick I heard about even though I was not an honors student). It is worth digging into what precisely is offered since it does seem different than most of the honors colleges my son has encountered during his college search.

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Oh my. We applied regular and wonder when we will hear results. All the posts here make me nervous. Our stats are kind of in the middle and we are out of state applicant. I originally thought this has high chance and now I am in doubts…

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UW was tough this year with EA, seeming to take mostly high achievers. And they are apparently looking to have 500 fewer students in next year’s Freshman class. Not much you can do but wait and see. Good luck.

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was all merit awarded at time of admission? (We’re OOS and are not expecting anything, but I’d still like to know if there’ any hope.)

No, they will continue to assign award through March I believe.



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