UW - Madison Dorms

Does anyone have a favorite dorm that they would suggest to an incoming freshman? Any hidden gems? Funny stories?

They tore it down and rebuilt it, but Ogg still sucks. :))

No one can tell you which dorms you like best. You need to figure out if lakeshore or southwest suits you more- where you would like to be. I have 3 generations of where mom/me/son lived- over many, many decades and several buildings. Plus friends’ places. Res Halls has kept up on maintenance and renovations plus building new dorms. A wide variety of locations and building styles.

My daughter is in Ogg. I would say it is excellent. They are remodeling the rec center and the temporary quarters are on the first floor of Ogg. Ogg is newly built and very nice, with larger than typical rooms. When we visit the dorm is fairly quiet relative to other places on campus. All of the dorms have pluses an minuses. Basically the choice is lakeshore with quiet and scenery vs. the dorms closer to State Street with a more urban feel. All are in decent locations. The bigger choice is second year when most move off campus.