UW-Madison Spring 2020 Transfer

Has anyone applied as a Spring 2020 transfer to UW-Madison? Looking for other people that have applied just so we can get a thread going!!!

I’m currently at a Junior standing. I applied to UW-Madison for fall 2019 and got rejected upon poor grades from my previous university, lacking a transferable math credit, and not taking enough stem-based classes. However, I got a 3.9 from the community college I attended in spring 2019 and now I am taking college algebra at MATC which is a directly transferable math credit! Also, I’m taking two science classes and one of them includes a lab. What about you guys? Want to see what my chances are.

Same here. This is my first time applying UW Madison, but it’s my second transfer application. I got a 3.2 from my first university and a 3.74 from current one. And I’m in my Junior year as well. I’m not quite confident due to the 3.2.
And I’ve heard some people said they would release the first wave in late November or early December, is that true? (their website says the decision will be given in the end of December) BTW I am applying physics major.

currently Junior standing too lol, an international applicant applying for Econ / International Relations.
GPA: 3.78 / 4 ( the highest one in my class is 3.85 )
actually have earned 111 credits, not sure how many transferable

Check on the rules for credits for a transfer. You need to do enough UW corurses to get a UW degree. Not even sure that many credits allows you in.

@nobunagaa I’m pretty certain they don’t release decisions until the end of December around Christmas time. Also, as long as you meet the requirements for classes and have a good GPA/essay, you should be fine!

@Ryder9 111 is a lot. I believe you can only have 72 credits from a 2 year university. I’m not sure from a 4 year university.

@wis75 not sure if you were responding to me, but I have around 50+ credits under my belt. only about 14 of them are in the UW system though because I took classes at MATC. however, I have transferable credits from my other two universities.

Born and raised in Wisconsin and plan to transfer from UW Oshkosh
College GPA 3.68
In UW Oshkosh honors college
High school GPA 3.7
30 ACT
Currently a sophomore
Legacy student
Biology major
3 letters recommendation
HS hockey captain and V 4 years
Various highschool clubs
Some college classes that I’ve taken are Gen Chem 1 (B+) Gen chem 2 (A) Statistics (A) Psychology (A-) Also on track to get an A in Organic Chem and an A in Cellular and Molecular Biology this semester. Do I have good chances of being accepted?

I am IN !!

Congratulations! When did you submit your application by?

mid-September, probably because I am an international applicant as lots of my friends heard back today as international applicants

What day do you guys think we will hear back about admittance? Looking at past year I was thinking November 29 but that is the day after Thanksgiving so I don’t know if they will send out emails or not.

I just got mine. Does anyone know the deadline of accepting the offer?

I also received my admission

I got deferred!