***University of Wisconsin-Madison Spring 2018 Transfer Thread***

Starting a new thread for Spring 2018 Transfer. Anyone transferring? From where?

Hi, I am applying from Madison College. I am in my fifth semester, I started at MATC-Milwaukee but Madison College was much more appealing.

I am applying from Lakeland University in Wisconsin. It was a choice out of comfort and has allowed me to commute from home. I am technically a freshman years wise, but after first semester, I will be a sophomore according to UW Madison’s standards with 29 credits. I took classes totaling 5 credits from a community college my senior year of HS, and am currently taking 24 credits between my university and the same community college. I am doing great, currently at mid semester with a 4.0. I am hoping this will show them that I can handle the Madison coursework.

I graduated from high school with a 3.98 GPA, honors, and as a valedictorian (there were a few, but my class rank is still #1!). I meet the language requirements, taking french all four years of high school. I was involved in the orchestra, gymnastics, national honors society, and the freshman welcome committee. I’ve had a job since the beginning of my junior year and participated in the Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship program. This first semester of college I haven’t been involved in my school really since they have no orchestra, I am taking 8 classes, and am working, but I would really like to get involved in Madison.

I did not apply to Madison as a senior as I had no interest, but looking at friends who were accepted, I most likely would have been accepted as well.

I think my stats look pretty good, but I am still nervous as anything is possible!

UW-Madison has had an orchestra class (1 credit) for nonmajors that offers HS players a way to continue with their instrument. Heard about this from someone from my son’s HS who was helping with dorm move in years ago. Worth considering if/when you are at UW. Son did not do it.

Thanks for the info on that! I have some friends down there that were in orchestra with me all well, one of which is a music major. The others aren’t involved in any orchestra. I didn’t know they had a credited class and that will be nice to keep in mind if I am accepted (:

Do you guys know when the decision will come out?

@Jeremiahtoo , I don’t know. Website says notifications go out in Dec.

Did anyone get the in-state residency list of questions?

@Jeremiahtoo, I’ve noticed in previous threads that they did rolling admissions, but I contacted a few people from admissions and they said everyone would basically know at the same time and that they do not do rolling admissions. They’re going to try to get decisions out as early as possible. December is super late to get everything organized in my opinion and I hope they do not wait until then.

@oldtown348 What exactly is the “in-state residency list of questions”? I would say I didn’t get that if I don’t know what it is.

@GeddyLee21 Thank you so much. I have noticed that they usually send out decisions between Nov 15th to Dec 6th.
People usually got their decisions on Friday.

Also something I noticed worth mentioning, they pushed the Spring application deadline date back by two weeks or so. Any thoughts on reasons why?

@GeddyLee21 probably not many people applied… just a guess

@Jeremiahtoo that’s what I was thinking. Hope it gives us a better chance! But then again I hope I don’t have to wait even longer now to know…

@GeddyLee21 I think we will know the results in the mid of Nov, hope we both get in!

Hey guys I’m currently a sophomore at UW Whitewater hoping to transfer at semester for molecular biology in L&S I have two strong essays, and two letters or recommendations. My high school gpa was a little shaky at 3.1 but was involved in a lot of extra curriculars. My college grades have improved, and my first semester was a 3.25 and second semester was a 3.7 I made deans as well. I also have a total of 40 college credits. I’m hoping someone can give me some insight on how my chances look! Thanks and good luck everyone.

My college cumulative gpa is a 3.45**

Also a spring transfer applicant but don’t want to share any more due to privacy. Just wanted to let y’all know my “no evaluations to display” in protected gray font in the MyUW student center went away today, which in the past has meant a change in application status (usually to acceptance).

When did you apply by?

I submitted all my application materials in mid-September

Where did it originally say “no evaluations to display”?

“My Academics” near view placement tests, the launch tab for it is “view transfer credit” or something along those lines