UW-Madison fall 2017 transfer

have not seen a solid thread for transfers so hoping to start here!!

here are my stats:
-applied for priority decision
-in state
-sophomore at Madison College (MATC)
-gpa: 3.55 Dean’s List and in the honors program
-60 credits - 14 in progress (including credits towards my honors project)
-ec’s: honors program, humane society, art club, work camp in HS, girl scouts (gold and silver award), HS volleyball, club volleyball
-I also have a work study job as a teacher’s assistant and work 19 hours a week
-applied for Communication Arts in the College of Letters and Science
-2 strong letters of recommendation (1 from my mentor for my honors project / 1 from my co-worker in the classroom I work at)
-2 strong essays

Your stats sound really good! And being in state helps, correct? I’m out of state, so even though I feel confident about my stats, I am still a bit worried. I hope we actually hear by the end of March because I’m dying to know already! I wish you the best of luck :slight_smile:

Hi! your stats sound very good.

Here are my stats:

In state (freshman at UW Lacrosse)

First semester gap: 3.32
I got a C in Bio 105 and it threw my gpa down. But I did have outstanding upward trends in that class…

2 letters of recommendation (1 from my bio professor, 1 from bio lab prof)
Will have completed 28 credits by the end of second semester
Undeclared in my major, but leaning towards something in medicine

HS gpa: 3.5
A lot of high school ec’s
Applied for and accepted into a health care camp in summer of my junior year
very very strong essays

Not technically immediate family, but 4 cousins have been accepted and graduated at UW Madison.

What do you think?

@Nayven Yes I believe it could be a slight advantage to be in state (crossing my fingers).
@beachchick5 I think your stats sound pretty good too! I think they like to see the upwards trend in classes and gpa in general. For my sake, I’m aiming to get a higher gpa than I did this past semester!

Major: Mechanical engineering.
GPA: 3.82 (based on 45 credits)
Credits: 60 (including the 15 credits in progress) out of the 60credits only 4 credits are Gen ed’s(hope that’s a plus)
EC’s: Peer tutor 11 hours, a member of the science club, and some other minor EC’s
Applied on Feb 1.(priority)
Essays: 1 is solid. The other (something that goes unnoticed) essay is below average.
Toefl:101 (took it 2 years ago before arriving in the US)
Letter of recommendation: 1, but it is GLOWING HOT.
Male, International (Middle East). I study at a CC in Illinois.

I really hope they do rolling admission since I can’t wait till the end of March. I know Mechanical Engineering is really competitive so fingers crossed.

@EngineEstein wow your stats sound really good! It seems like you have a very good chance of getting excepted with your high gpa

yeah I’m definitely going to try to raise my gpa this semester too! I also hope its rolling admissions. I’m so unbelievably anxious for this decision…

Hi guys. I’ll put my stats down.
I’ll preface this with the fact that I have guaranteed transfer to UW Madison, so I know I’ll be accepted.

Major: Pre nursing but I applied to Microbiology at UW Madison because I don’t think nursing is for me.
College GPA: 3.6
Latest semester GPA: 3.9
Credits: 53ish right now, about 60 after this semester
President, Phi Theta Kappa 3 semesters
President, Nursing and allied health club 4 semesters
Vice President, Universal Multicultural Association 2 semesters
I also work 10-15 hours a week at a laundromat.

A letter of rec from my microbio professor. It’s probably pretty strong.

HS GPA:3.3
ACT: 30 but I did not send the score to the school because I have guaranteed transfer and didn’t want to spend the money
HS EC: HOSA secretary with 2nd place in state competition, 4 years Wrestling manager, JV Tennis, Varsity Rock climbing

My essays were pretty good. I whipped the one togehter pretty quickly and used my Common App essay for the other, which I spent a great amount of time on.

I’m also applying to Vanderbilt and Northwestern University.

Good luck to all!

Gonna jump right in! crossing fingers that I’ll get accepted

Major: Psychology, planning to double major with Biochemistry
CGPA: 3.67
Previous GPA: 3.63
Toefl: 115 (not sure if it means anything honestly)
Status: international (Southeast Asian), the closest or ever been to the US was when I was in Japan LOL
Credits: 30, will have 46 at the end of the semester
Ec’s: highschool head of discipline for library board for 4 years, vice-secretary of LEO club, member of the badminton club, girls brigade and St.John ambulance, college head of art and decorations department for student committee
Participated in district level debates and public speaking competitions, as well as the national chemistry quiz (unfortunately I didn’t know where to put these in common app and left it all out HAHAHA)
Highschool stuff:
Not sure if what I did was applicable, since everything in my country is 100% exam base huhu but Madison does receive lots of applicants from my country

Got 2 recommendation letters, not that close to my lecturers but I do put a ton of effort into their classes

For the essays, I wrote on the importance of greed for my first prompt, and embarrassingly, I spelled the university’s name wrong in my second essay (yes, I too, cannot believe I did that, four times!!)
Spelled it as Wisconsin Madison rather than Wisconsin-Madison. But what can you do at this point

Hope to get to meet you guys this coming fall :))

Somehow I can’t believe forgetting the “-” matters, not a misspelling to me.

Another transfer applicant here (it’s good to see that everybody is still waiting on a response, I was getting a bit nervous).

-CSCI Major
-Applied for priority decision
-In state
-Sophomore at Century College (I did a year at the University of Minnesota 6 years ago but didn’t do very well)
-GPA: 4.00 at Century College (My GPA from the U of M, 6 years ago, is not so nice)
-44 credits - 14 in progress
-Applied for Computer Science in the College of Letters and Science
-1 strong letter of recommendation from my Calculus II professor.
-2 strong essays
-Highschool GPA: 3.7 (although this was 7 years ago, I’m not sure how much they will care).


Does the guaranteed transfer guarantee entry or does it guarantee transfer of credits? I am also a “guaranteed transfer” student attending a two-year campus in Wisconsin and the actual “guaranteed” part seems somewhat ambiguous. I’ve met all the requirements and submitted everything in time I have just been reluctant to believe that you can be “guaranteed” admission.


@jimmywisco Hi, it’s both love. The only thing you aren’t guaranteed is, for example, if you have guaranteed transfer to madison you will definitely be accepted to the University but that does not mean you’ll be accepted to the Nursing school specifically.

Also make sure you have received the confirmation email from Madison after you applied for GT and kept up with the requirements

@somehmonggirl First off, thank you! (been stressing like crazy but im sure you understand)

So I received the intitial confirmation for the GT when I submitted the form back in August, but I also just recently (just last week) received another GT confirmation email from UW colleges. Is that a ‘confirmation’ that I am in (without sending an acceptance email that we should be getting later this month) ?

You should be good if you got those GT confirmations, I’m pretty sure but you can also message your school and ask

Awesom, I dont think my school would be able to find any of that information so I’ll just be waiting in suspense to hear back from Madison. But I feel much better, thank you! and good luck!

Could somebody chance me? This anticipation is killing me

I am a second semester college freshman. My first semester of college was at Baylor University which I hated and I am now at my community college, College of Dupage, for the second semester.

I am from Illinois and I will be a pre business major if admitted to UW

Previous College: Baylor University
Baylor GPA: 3.6 12 credit hours, English,College Algebra, Lifetime fitness,Christian Scriptures, Intro to Business
Baylor Awards and Involvement: Outdoor Adventure LLC, Beta Theta Pi Men of Principle Scholarship winner

Current College: College of Dupage
GPA: Pending but probably 4.0 18 Credit hours, Pre-Calc, Micro econ, Bio, Psych, Speech
Will also be taking Calc in the summer

ACT 28

High School GPA 3.4 (grades freshman year and sophomore year where bad but Junior and Senior year I had almost all A’s)
High school involvement: Football, Lacrosse, Football lifting captain. Acceleration Sports Performance

Volunteered as a student helper for elementary school second semester of senior year

Lots of work experience in numerous fields from retail to coaching

Currently volunteering at Physical Therapy Clinic

Hello, student at Arizona State.

My stats:
Highschool GPA: 3.4
College Cum GPA: 3.7
50 credits completed with 14 in progress
Extracurricular: Some volunteer work here and there. Also I have good work experience for what I want to do.
1 letter of recommendation from Math professor.
Out of state
Applying for electrical engineering.

Anticipation is killing me! Anyone have any idea of when we will know? End of March as in 21st/22nd or 28th/29th?

Did anyone receive a decision or now if anyone received one? and do they release decision all at once sometime at the end of March or do they release them in batches?