UW madison transfer chances

I currently am a freshman at Indiana university in the Kelly school of business. Although I really like IU I do not think I want to stay here for all 4 years. I feel like transfer statistics and chances are really vague so i was wondering if anyone could give me my chances of getting into the schools I have applied to:
and UT austin

I currently have a 3.25 but I think It will be around a 3.4 by the end of this semester. I didn’t so great in high school finished with a 3.0 but showed major progression (went from a 1.8 to a 3.9 in HS). 1900 on the SAT and pretty good extra curricula’s.

I know a lot of these schools are reaches so if you could make any suggestions that would be great!

Tulane-Good Chance
UW- Good Chance
USC-low chance
UT- low chance

Also, How did you get into kelley? To be a direct admit freshman year, you must have a 3.7+. Did you transfer to kelley after 1st semester?

Yes I transfered in 2nd semester!