UW-Madison Transfer Fall 2016

@capecod24 so sorry for the late reply! :frowning: I didnā€™t hear back yet :frowning: but it was over a 3-4 weeks span till they said they received all my materials! :slight_smile:

@badgers27 I applied as a senior didnā€™t get in :frowning: and i applied as a transfer now! :slight_smile:

@ADY360 you will deffinately get in!! :slight_smile: you have so much good stuff in your description that you posted!

@ADY360 you will deffinately get in!! :slight_smile: you have so much good stuff in your description that you posted!

@DynamicSeagull you literally will get in I think, you have the gpa and extra curriculars! :slight_smile:

@lalalexis17 dang you literally killed in in Highschool, I think everything you showed was excellent, maybe the only thing I would be afraid of is your gpa before, but If you have all Aā€™s now, that is no problem :slight_smile: and iā€™m pretty positive you can transfer for sure again if it doesnā€™t work on the fall 2016! :slight_smile:

I just sent in my application for UW Madison. A am a full time student and have completed 41 credits at a community college with a 3.52 gpa, after this semester Iā€™ll have completed 55, with an expected GPA around 3.6. My essays were pretty good probably an 8 out of 10. My EC include full time employment as a fine cabinet maker, hobby machinist, guitar, piano, fine woodworking, and automotive repair and maintenance. I have letters of recommendation from my recent physics 1 professor, my boss, and my high school principle. My high school grades are pretty bad, I had serious family issues (which I discussed in my essay), but at the beginning of my college career, completely turned my life around, Iā€™m worried that it will bring down my overall application. Iā€™m anxious and I canā€™t really tell if my expectations were too high. I hope the fact that I am a full time worker (at a respectable job) and a full time student will have a big impact. Iā€™m sure somebody here will know better then I and can give me some insight, thanks.

BTW I am out of state, and donā€™t have many extra curricularā€™s because my lack of time, I go to work at 7 AM everyday, leave at 5, then go to school from 5:30 to 10:00 PM, thanks.

Anyone hear anything back??:slight_smile:

apparently the earliest anyone will hear back is late march/early april according other threads

Does anyone know if they take midterm grades into the transfer decision? How important are they?

Highly doubt they take midterm grades, curves arenā€™t finalized for classes at all, if anything you could get waitlisted for them to see your final grades for the semester. Thatā€™s what Iā€™d assume itā€™s way to early to judge a semester based on maybe 1 test score.

@shermama96 gotcha!! thank you :slight_smile:

Just got the email! Got in!

@badger19 congrats! Mind if I ask what your stats are?

@Natalie278 thank you! :)) I had a 4.0 in college and did a lot of clubs! :slight_smile:

@badger19 wow good for you! Have fun!

Thank you! :slight_smile: Best of luck to you @Natalie278

Just got admitted!

Hello guys,
I applied to CoE but got accepted into CALS instead. Do you know if it is possible or easy to transfer to CoE later? Or do I have to go through the Competitive Application cycle?