UW-Madison Transfer Student Fall 2018 CHANCE ME PLZ HELP

I applied regular decision for Fall 2018 transfer for UW Madison, which I don’t know how that would affect me but here are my stats. I’m currently a freshman at the University of Kansas and my Fall Semester GPA was a 3.0. I’m involved in several activities in college which I included on my app. In high school, I had a moderately average ACT and ended up graduated with a 3.3 GPA. However, my underclassmen years were much stronger than the remainder of high school due to some personal issues that I think I did a thorough job explaining in both of my essays. I took multiple AP courses (Macro, Us History, Comparative Politics, and Gov) as well as some foreign language college credits through a local university. I was also very involved in High School through sports, clubs, work, community service. I have two recommendation letters and one from a teacher and one is from an alumni of UW-Madison that is still very involved with the University. I also am a legacy and would be a 3rd generation badger. Some members of my family are very large donors and are very involved with the University today.

I guess I don’t want to get my hopes up because I know my grades aren’t the best but I’ve been working really hard this semester and will probably end around with a 3.6+ for Spring. I also don’t want problems in the past to be the reason for me being rejected because I have really come a long way from that. UW Madison is my dream school so any advice/uplifting/realistic thoughts are encouraged. Thanks :slight_smile:

Did you get accepted??