uw madison vs uiuc business starting salaries

<p>these two business schools are ranked pretty similarly overall and some majors are better at one school vs the other but for the most part they are ranked about the same</p>

<p>Is there a reason uiuc has a starting salary for business around 57,000 and uw madison has it's around 52,000? Is this because uiuc is 5,000 better than uw madison, or is it because uiuc has more grads going to chicago where they pay people more? if it's the second one, does that mean it's relatively not as easy to get a job in chicago from uw madison vs uiuc if thats where you wanted to work? </p>

<p><a href="http://business.illinois.edu/bcs/_shared/pdf/Employment-Profile_2013.pdf"&gt;http://business.illinois.edu/bcs/_shared/pdf/Employment-Profile_2013.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href="https://bus.wisc.edu/%7E/media/bus/bba/employers/yir-2012_2013.ashx"&gt;https://bus.wisc.edu/~/media/bus/bba/employers/yir-2012_2013.ashx&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>thanks for the help</p>

<p>Many UW grads prefer to stay in Madison these days and the rest of the state where pay and COL are both lower than Chicago. If you were smart you could see the starting pay for UW grads in Chicago in the report. Also UW has higher proportion of marketing grads which pays less. Look beyond the simple comparisons please. </p>

<p>Speaking as a communications major set to make 70k after graduation - I wouldn’t put very much weight on avg grad salaries by major. Definitely dependent on a variety of factors and can be very inflated in some areas. </p>

<p>Not doing comm work I bet.</p>

<p>I guess that would depend on what you would classify as a ‘Comm Career’. I would classify it as such.</p>