UW Madison vs USC - Comp Sci

So I got admitted into both colleges for undergrad this year. On one hand while I prefer the reputation, brand-name and location of USC I’m also worried about how its considered to be a major party school. UW Madison is also shown to have a great comp sci department and job opportunities. Ive also been hearing that the UW-Madison computer science department is more prestigious than that of USC. So I’m kind of stuck between these two for now

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umm, UW is also considered a major party school. Almost all large uni’s are when you think about it. But partying is something you do or don’t do, or so sometimes. Students in CS or engineering are usually too demanding to party too much, or they won’t stay in the major.

So what would you suggest? USC or UW Madison? And please try to tell me why you picked. Thanks :smiley:

I would think USC would be better if you like the brand name and location, don’t worry so much about the prestige. Especially considering that UW Madison is known as one of the biggest party schools in the nation.

@Omadious‌ But I’ve been hearing that companies prefer the prestige of UW madison graduate over those of USC. So I’m a bit confused :frowning:

Prestige of a college shouldn’t be a deal-breaker in your final decision. Go with whichever feels the right one to you and where you could see yourself being happy. Prestige of a college doesn’t matter as much as prestige of yourself, in other words, what YOU accomplish at the college. When job recruiting time comes, they’ll be interviewing YOU, not the college.

EDIT: in terms of prestige, USC is no minnow itself… it has quite a good reputation and rankings

I assume you’re talking about Southern California and not South Carolina. You also have to consider that USC costs $25,000 more per year, and decide if spending that money is worth it. Also, USC is not in a good part of Los Angeles, it’s actually in a pretty bad part of it. However, both Wisconsin and USC are great schools, and I really don’t think that you can go wrong.

As mentioned in another thread about CS, UW is ranked #11 in the nation for CS, on par with CalTech. It’s not the prestige so much as the rigor that people like about UW graduates.

Have you been to USC? I don’t want to criticize other schools, but we did NOT like it. When we toured it there were police helicopters hovering overhead and the starbucks across from the campus was abandoned (have you ever seen a starbucks closed? ever?!). And there’s a big black fence surrounding the campus and nothing to walk to. nothing. We’re from Chicago (live downtown), so I’ll admit we have a midwest bias. Madison is awesome - hilly, lakes, great sports, etc. Now, for computer science, I know nothing about USC. But I know companies in the midwest and east coast heavily recruit UW computer sci/eng grads. I think both schools have great brand names, so you can’t go wrong at either. And USC has an amazing network in southern cal. My son is in at Michigan, BC, and UVA. But we’re now really considering UW because the out of state tuition is about $20k less than the above schools…and that’s $80 over 4 years. Good luck.

From your CC moniker you are from India? You need to choose the overall college experience that seems best for you. There is another thread about weather- a choice you need to consider. UW grads do end up at the major computer companies. But there is so much more to college than just the academics. This is the UW thread- great place for the college experience for nonpartiers and others. The brand recognition/reputation of UW as a school is right up there with USC- details depend on who you talk to/ what sources you research. You need to decide which location works best for you.

@JJDad3‌ No I actually haven’t been there. But Ive heard stories about how the location isn’t very safe. Yes, Ive also heard about how beautiful Wisconsin is too. Wow those are really amazing schools. Hope we see you in Wisconsin this fall then :slight_smile:

@wis75‌ Yes, we moved to india after living in the US for a long time. Yeah that is what I have been reading on threads too. I think Wisconsin might just be a better fit then. Thank you very much :slight_smile: