UW-Madison vs UW-Seattle

<p>okay so ive been admitted to a couple of universities and have shortlisted them to these two. ive been admitted to general Engineering at wisconsin and pre-engineering at uw-seattle. I plan to get into computer engineering. I like bothe universities and can see myself spending the next four years at either of them. Wisconsin weather is harsh comapred to seattle but i dont want weather to be the primary criteria. Now heres the thing, UW-seattle accepts on 30% of students to CSE after completing the pre-requisites so going there is a bit of a risk. At the same time i love their program and its in seattle so thats good. Im really confused and would really appreciate some advice. Cost is not a factor</p>

<p>What kind of atmosphere are you looking for in a campus? That could be a determining factor. Think about the dorm life, what kind of people go to each school, what kinds of extracurriculars, placement of the campus, etc. I really like UW Madison for its Lakeshore side of the campus, but then it also has the city portion too. I fell in the love with Madison’s academics and especially the campus itself. So I guess, try to pick apart the small things if you haven’t already. </p>

<p>@anoni76 i love both campuses. i feel that wisconsin will be a good mix of studying as well as fun stuff. on the other hand washington has an insanely good CSE program and i have a few friends who are going there. But i dont know if washington is worth the risk especially when i have an amazing option like wisconsin</p>

<p>I’m in exactly the same position as you SoccerGuy7 (CE as well), except I’m a transfer and havent finished Washington’s CSE pre-req so I cant apply directly :(</p>

<p>@fortyeightbits i compared the courses offered by the two schools and washington by far has the better course offering. at least i like it personally. im hoping to decide as soon as possible but theres no significant factor thats making me favour one over the other</p>

<p>I’ve still got time to decide since Washington’s transfer decisions only come out around June, but for now I’m leaning towards UW-Madison. I really like Washington just as you do, like the location and weather (and a club I’ll really like to join!), but I’m starting to think the risk is too big. I don’t want to waste my parents’ money retaking subjects to get a better grade to try reapplying every intake if I don’t get in, and I’m not interested in the alternatives (EE, HCDE, Informatics). Their CSE program is definitely great, probably the flagship program of the campus, but I’ve read that UW-Madison’s CE is pretty good as well. Not as good as Washington, but at least I’m almost guaranteed a place in the major already and that’s a huge bundle of stress off my chest.</p>

<p>I may change my mind though, haha. A while ago I had almost decided to take the risk. I think I’m too fickle-minded.</p>

<p>@fortyeightbits even i was thinking about taking the risk but my parents are against it. So i will most likely go to madison because washington program may be better but madison’s program isnt that bad that you should risk not getting into the major. besides madison’s overall prestige and rank is better</p>

<p>I’d say Madison. I’m going there, so I could probably be biased, but like you said, it would be a risk going to Seattle with the 30% acceptance. You could always go to Madison and apply to Seattle’s CSE after you get your prereqs out of the way, and then if they accept you, you can always transfer if you really wanted to go to Seattle. </p>

<p>One major advantage for Madison is the full-time placement center just for engineering students. They also provide much better placement data. Also Madison is two separate depts so you have to look at both to get full picture between CS and Comp eng. At Seattle they are merged into one unit.</p>

<p>I chose Madison. :D</p>