UW Madison's View of Course Load


<p>I am curious how Madison would view my senior course load of AP Calculus AB and AP Physics C. Considering that my junior course load was AP Chem, AP Computer Science, and APUSH, would Madison view my senior course load as light? I am not taking a third AP, because I am enrolling in year round study period in order to self-study more AP's for the college credit. </p>


<p>Current UW Student here – </p>

<p>My senior year of high school I took AP Calc AB and AP English Lit, along with a few other honors classes and a business coop class that allowed me to leave high school an hour early. I wouldn’t get so hung up on things like this – pick classes that interest you, and that you think you can do well in. For example, my HS offered Chem, Physics, and Comp Sci, but I took none of those because I have zero interest in science. </p>

<p>The one thing I might caution you on is that study hall. To me that suggests indicates a certain level of laziness and/or inability to juggle large amounts of work. Not saying that those assessments about you are true, but you should think about how a “free period” (even if it is for studying) would appear to a college admissions officer. I’m not suggesting you take another AP, but at least take something – even if it is a slacker class. </p>

<p>Success in college rides on your ability to juggle a constant barrage of competing demands. You want to convey that you can do that with ease… just something to think about. </p>

<p>Another UW student. I honestly wouldn’t be so concerned about it, it sounds like you’re going to take more AP tests then classes, and that’s a good plan for gaining extra credits when you enroll. You also will have a chance to explain any poor performance or other grading discrepancies when you’re applying for the university, so if you’re really worried you do have space to explain why you chose the load you did. </p>

<p>Many schools require study hall, so again it isn’t going to be something that the admissions is going to wonder too much about. It’s something they see a lot in transcripts. They’ll be able to see what AP tests you took, so having the extra tests can help you. Being able to show that you have time management skills and understand how to handle an increased workload will be something strong for you to point out during the admissions process. </p>