UW Madsion vs Virginia Tech!

Hi everyone!

I’m an International student from India and I will be attending either of those Universities.
I’m unable to pick one because both seem so amazing…! Ranking wise, UW is much higher than VT overall but are neck to neck in Engineering (that’s what I’m doing)
When it comes to Undergrad research and Internship Opportunities for international students which one is better of the two?
Any other reasons why you would pick one over the other…?

Any feedback is highly appreciated. Thanks!

The campus, location, culture. Academics including non engineering classes. Madison has at least 3 good Indian restaurants- one within walking distance of campus. At least two Indian grocery stores (take a bus) on the west side. So many other reasons as well. So much more than just STEM fields. You could even take an Indian language other than Hindi!

UW vs. VT? UW, hands down.

@JiffsMom Any specefic reasons for that…?

Higher caliber students at UW than at VT. You learn with and from your peers. Engineering classes tend to be very teamwork oriented out of necessity. Working well with others is absolutely required in a professional engineering career. Plus, UW has a more global alumni network. That helps with networking and job placement.

The schools aren’t equivalent for Engineering. UW is ranked higher than VT.