<p>Right now i'm stuck between UW and VT(virginia tech). I'm going to be doing engineering and I know that academically, VT has a better engineering program than UW. </p>
<p>But, being stuck in a town like blacksburg seems kind of isolated-although there are plenty of things to go. UW is in Seattle, which I find is a really nice city and there's so many things you can do in that area.</p>
<p>Any pros and cons about the colleges to help me?</p>
<p>well you’re posting this as a UW thread so you’ll get a lot of answers like mine. go to UW. maybe the weather is bad in seattle but its worse in virginia</p>
<p>Go to UW.
Virginia sucks [the state, not the school. it’s actually a pretty school- except for the ugly colors
i’ve lived here (not by Tech though) my entire life]
I know people at Tech and there’s not that much to do there. There might be a better program there than at the UW but the UW isn’t really bad for anything and Seattle (WA in general) > Virginia.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t say weather is WORSE in Virginia but I guess that depends on your preference. It doesn’t rain all the time here and it’s sunny way more often than Seattle. It can get really hot in the summer, rather cold in the winter and during Spring and Fall it sometimes jumps back and forth between really hot and really cold before eventually settling on one but it’s rarely, if ever, at an extreme any time of year. But still, don’t come to Virginia- I can’t wait to get the hell outta this state. The governor just declared April Confederate History Month! Seriously. ***. But you can keep a gun in your dorm… (so my friend going to URichmond says)</p>
<p>[when you put VT, I automatically thought of Vermont… just putting that out there.]</p>