UW private dorm has a doorman?

<p>Yup, saw it with my own eyes at The Lucky. Now that's living well as a student.</p>

<p>Lucky has a nice Walgreens in it, too.</p>

<p>I almost think Lucky has too much, but I'm not the one paying for all that fancy jazz.</p>

<p>In addition to the doorman, they have a concierge. My son lives there - he is truly lucky - great dorm, great roommates, great mom & dad. ;-)</p>

<p>You pay for the extras...</p>

<p>I actually live at Lucky as well and the doormen are very well trained and nice. We also have a 24/7 Concierge desk that is very helpful.</p>

<p>I suppose this is good for security but what a far cry from the broken locks on the doors of Ogg a scant eight years ago.</p>

<p>Do not live in Lucky as a freshman. Live in the dorms. Other than that, I think it is a great, elegant place to live as an upper-classman. Majority of population is "coasties."</p>