UWC 2015-2017

<p>He I'm from the US and I'm applying for 2015-2017. My top choice is Costa Rica at the moment. I had a few questions that I was wondering if someone could answer?</p>

<p>1) Any advice for the interview?
2) (If you attend UWCCR) Was UWCCR your first choice? If so why?
3) Do most people get their first pick school? Top three?
4) Why did you pick the college you curently attend?
5) Is it okay to attend UWCCR with little or no Spanish? If yes, In what ways do they help non-spanish speaking students learn spanish? (extra classes tutor sessions? etc.)
6) If a non-spanish speaking student takes acourse in spanish, do they usually change classes or does it work out for them?
7) Are the classes listed as taught in Spanish actually taught in Spanish?
8) What is the weather like in Costa Rica?
9) What is the atmosphere like at UWCCR?
10) What is your favorite part of UWCCR or your respective school?
11) And finally, any tips for UWC hopefulls?</p>

<p>Thanks a million!!!!</p>

I’m a first-year at UWC-USA right now. Don’t count too much on getting into your first option school, but don’t worry about it – they are all UWCs and they are all amazing. I can’t really answer your CR specific questions but just focus on being yourself while still making a good impression during the interview process. Good luck!

@sjglove41‌ What UWC do you go to? I actually decided to change my top three choices to 1)Atlantic 2) Singapore 3) Netherlands. Although I would be happy to get accepted for any school!

Hey, could either of you help me out, seeing as you have an idea what UWC expects from an app.? My thread is here: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/international-baccalaureate-ib/1730046-united-world-colleges-application-preparation-2016-18.html