Hi everyone! A couple weeks ago my mom’s friend told her about this amazing school and since then I’ve been slightly obsessed with it. I’m fourteen years old (I’ll be fifteen in February) and I’m a freshman at a tiny school in a tiny town in Colorado. I’m taking an honors English class and I have a 4.134 GPA. I’m in a thing called Sources of Strength (which is a sort of suicide prevention group) and I do A LOT of community theater. I know that this is very competitive and I was wondering how I can improve my chances of getting in. Thank you!
Hey! Which town are you from in CO? I was born in Boulder UWC is about your personality and potential. They want change-makers and idealists. (I currently attend Pearson College!) Study well, grades are super important because of the difficulty of the IB that is offered at UWC’s. Start reading the news and become engaged with issues of international significance; intercultural understanding is very important at UWC. Look up the UWC values and see how you can incorporate these into your life. Even if you don’t end up being accepted, pursuing these values will work the UWC magic on you, that’s for sure
Expect your life and values to change!
Just keep your GPA up and raise it if you can. You need to give a llot more info however and you are quite young to be picking a college so don’t set your eyes on just one college yet. Plus when you’re applying you’ll need to apply to multiple schools.
UWC isn’t a university- it’s a actually a boarding school for your junior and senior year of high school .
Oh, I’m from Trinidad. It’s right on the border of New Mexico and is actually 3 hours away from the UWC school in New Mexico.
@ThePinkPixie There are several UWCs. My wife attended Atlantic College in Wales, which is located in St. Donat’s Castle, which was once owned by William Randolph Hearst. The American Committee selects four students each year to that school to attend tuition free; it is probably the most competitive of the schools to get into. Atlantic College has kids from all over the world; the king of the Netherlands went there.
They also have a campus in Trieste and the American campus. There is a South American campus, but it is not known to be as academically rigorous as the others. I think there are others. My wife viewed it as a chance of a lifetime, and she remains in touch with her three roommates, from Norway, Belgium, and Scotland.
@EarlVanDorn Really? The one in the US is first on my list, mostly because the website talks about its theater program (something I am very active in currently) and it’s clubs. Would you mind asking your wife about the extracurricular activities that Atlantic College has?
@ThePinkPixie I will. I know that they had a bunch of service groups, including ocean rescue, which was actually very active (and I think slightly dangerous). It’s apparently very common for people to walk on the beach as the tide is rising and then get trapped between the ocean and the cliffs. I know my wife mentioned a number of clubs, but I’ll ask about theatre.
@EarlVanDorn Thank you so much! I am currently filling out my application and it has me full of nerves.