UWC 2018-2020

Hi I’m applying to UWC for the 2018-2020 term and I would like to get advice/tips on applying?
Also what are my chances of getting in?

GPA: 3.83 :frowning:

Languages: English, Khmer, Mandarin, Arabic, Italian, Spanish

Volunteer: Peer Tutor, Children’s Reading Tutor, Underprivileged Children’s Summer Camp Volunteer

Clubs: Gender-Sexuality Alliance: Director of Outreach, Interact International Project Chair (Fund raise for Syrian refugees), Interact Club: Secretary, Peer Counseling: Vice President, American Cancer Society: Officer

I’d say pretty good, but you still can’t know for sure if you’ll get accepted or not. I applied to 2017-2019 didn’t get to the last stage tho, but I’ll be applying again to 2018-2020 and hopefully I get in

Thank you! Do you know when the applications open up? I’m kind of afraid for my GPA though…

that depends on your national committee, ours starts in January (Egypt). Don’t worry, your national committee will surely know if you’ll fit in or not, your extracurriculars can overweigh your GPA

Please don’t have very high hopes, cause if you get rejected, you’ll be devastated. Remember, the world is full of opportunities although UWC is one of a kind, the world won’t end if you don’t get in.

I am

I’m applying

Hey! Do you know when applications come out?

For US Last year it was September 24. The only thing I’m worried about is I am applying to be a senate page and that could be Jan-jun of junior year so I emailed them. I am also going to email my senator after I finish the page app and ask that if I get accepted could she fit me into a different term

What committee are you applying with?

Then why do they say it’s early summer on the UWC-USA website?

Maybe they are planning on opening it up early I just was saying when the opened them up last year.I asked and they September or late August because you will need to be in school for the recommendations and stuff. They are due December

How old is everyone are what school are you hoping to get?

Ok, so they pushed it back this year. I’m 14 and would like to go to UWC Atlantic College.

I’m also 14 and I would like to go to UWC Adriatic. I’m so glad this thread finally got started!! I’m so nervous about the application so it’s nice to talk to people who are applying too :slight_smile:

@aureliav1 Did you get an interview last year?

@harvardpremed No this is my first time applying I am 15 but I know some people that did get in last year. I am hoping to go to LPC or Sc? Thru the US As I already speak some Chinese. I hope I get it this year and if I don’t I will just apply again. I super nervous too but have some experience as I was a semifinalist/alternate for NSLIY this year so I have some hope.

@AnubisX did you apply last year?

@aureliav1 Are you a sophomore?

@aureliav1 yup, didn’t get accepted tho :confused: