UWC 2018-2020

Hey if any of you who are planning to apply are reading this, join the UWC Applicants 2018-2020 group on Facebook and we’ll add you to the chat!

Where did you find the applications?

I’m applying through USA… really glad to find this thread!!

Hey guys!! I’m 15/10th grade and planning on applying too… so glad I found this thread! btw @aureliav1 it’s really cool to see another NSLIY interested student! I’m actually a Korean Summer alum!

Hey! I am applying through the USA national committee. Nice to meet you! :slight_smile:

Hey, is there anyone who’s hoping to apply for the 2018-2020 school session? If you have already applied in the past, please share your experience. It’d be most appreciated. Thanks!

Hey guys! I submitted my application on Oct. 25th. It says on the website that they’ll email a confirmation of the submission in late October, but I didn’t get anything. I’m wondering if that’s just a relic from years previous or if my application didn’t submit properly or something. Anybody get any emails from them or anything?

Hey! I did not get an email and was wondering the same thing… Does anyone know when we find anything out?

@sunp123 It says phone interviews are in November and December so I’d assume late November.

I did look at my application again and it said that it had been moved to national committee review, so I feel a little better lol.

@sunp123 @illbeyourmirror hey guys! I emailed them about 2 weeks ago about when we should expect a reply from USA National Committee and they said around the third week of November (I’m guessing the start of next week)! I’m super nervous lol have you guys received anything yet?

btw does anyone know when the applicants last year received their first round of emails?

@efisgin woah that’s soon, kinda nervewracking haha. I haven’t gotten anything yet.

Did you find out if we’re supposed to have received confirmation emails?

@illbeyourmirror ikr I’m constantly worrying about results hehe hopefully this weekend or early next week we get something… at least before break!

No, I didn’t ask them about confirmation emails, but no applicant I’ve talked to has received one either.

btw is this your first time applying btw?

oops I said btw twice

yup, it’s my first time applying! I considered it late year but ultimately decided against it.

First time applying to UWC! My top choices are Atlantic, Japan, and Hong Kong. I emailed the admissions board last week and was told that the committee was meeting on Friday (Nov. 10 most likely). I wonder how quick the selection process will go, but I’m hoping that we’ll hear back from them by next week :slight_smile:

maybe this weekend?

ughh every time my phone buzzes i jump

what part of the US r u guys from?

Best of luck to everyone! I’m currently a first-year; the IB is hard but very rewarding. If anyone has questions I’d be happy to answer them :slight_smile:

Edit: I’m not American and did not go through the US NC process, but if you have questions about IB and/or school life specifically I might be able to help!