UWC 2018-2020

@VaporeonKid that’s so cool! which college do you go to?

have any US people receive anything?

i haven’t yet.

Have your parents received any phone calls from them at all?

Not yet. Are they supposed to? Have other people?

a friend of mine told me her parents received a phone call from them but that was from nov 10 so I don’t think it was about selection

do you know what it was about? could she have missed a part of her application?

not sure…she said they called her parents and she doesn’t know what about

ooooff the wait is actually killing me

haha same, i just want to know.

how many people do you know that are applying?

idk anyone applying ! and nope no phone call or email … any day now that’s so crazy i’m nervous !!!

a handful, not too many from the US. I wonder the total # of US applicants

i think somewhere around 200-300 americans apply? but don’t quote me on that, i’m not sure.

i’m reallllly hoping we found out before thanksgiving lol

saaameeee especially because then I have break to prepare for the interview

we need to be up to date with current news too if we’re selected

i’ll consider it a miracle if i even get the interview haha, preparing for it is a whole different story.

aww have a positive outlook! I’m sure you’re going to be fine!! the fact that you’re a part of this thread shows how much you support the UWC movement and are willing to spend time reaching out to other UWC applicants :slight_smile: what’re your top schools?

ayy thanks! yeah, it’s important to stay positive.

my tops are costa rica, hong kong, and china. how about you?

Hmm I’d love to go to somewhere in Europe but honestly, being a part of the UWC movement is as great as it can get, so I don’t mind where exactly

What timezone do you live in? I live near NYC, so it’s about 2 here but still nothing :’(

Hello !

I am applying to the Indian Comittee and this wait is getting humongous day-by-day
Any idea when results are coming?