UWC 2018-2020

@txstateomind nothing for me or my friends applying

@txstateomind @efisgin Nothing here either. My interviewer told me that I would receive word before Christmas, and since they probably won’t send it out on the weekend, it will have to be Thursday or Friday. I really hope we all get the chance to meet each other in New Mexico :]

@emflow Since it’s getting quite late, it will probably be Thursday or Friday. Although it’s hard at times staying hopeful and positive, I would say this application process has definitely taught me a lot (especially in terms of patience lol) so it’s not tooooo bad. I would love to meet both of you as well! Best of luck with results!

@txstateomind I’ve also got nothing. To be honest, I’m worried, but I also hope to meet you all in New Mexico! Good luck, everyone.

It looks like tomorrow is the day. Also, the admissions office must be working incredibly hard, going so close to Christmas. Whatever results I get, I’m definitely sending them a thank you note :slight_smile:

nothing yet!! really hoping for today.

I made a little thing to keep us waiting: http://www.■■■■■■■■■■■■/14676987
Good luck!


New Mexico here i come!!!

My daughter is headed to NM too! Congrats to all!

I was rejected. Congratulations to everyone else, though ;w;
I kind of want to die. This was the one opportunity I didn’t want to fail. The one thing I wanted to do.

@xIllumina Really sorry to hear that you didn’t get in. Don’t give up though, there are still other opportunities, and if you’re a Sophomore now, you can reapply next year. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

@xIllumina I saw your post. Two years ago my child was in your exact same place. Did not make finalist for UWC USA. Meanwhile, two friends made finalist and ultimately Davis Scholar. While it still sometimes stings, this child has gone on to do great things, won a nice scholarship for college and is happy now. And we can see how things might not have turned out this well if they had gone to UWC. All is not lost. Keep looking for outside opportunities. You have already shown that you are willing to put yourself out there. PM me if you’d like some help looking for opportunities.

@emflow @mi5kids
Thanks to both of you, I appreciate it a lot. Unfortunately, since I’m a junior, I can’t apply again next year :,)
And you’re right, there are other opportunities. I’m probably just going to need some time to bounce back!
I might just take you up on that offer, if I’m having some trouble later on.
Thank you for offering your help!

@xlllumina, sorry to hear you didn’t make finalist. But as a mom of three, I will assure you that @mi5kids’ advice is spot on. Have you looked at CBYX, Yes Abroad and NSLIY? I’m not sure if the apps are still open for next year but my oldest daughter studied abroad her senior year in HS through CBYX. Wishing you all the best.

Thank you for the suggestions!! I’ll definitely take a look at them. I really appreciate it.
I’ll try to look at it positively eventually, I suppose it’ll just take a little time!

@txstateomind UWC admissions said that I have until Dec. 27th to accept the interview, and I emailed them saying yes, but I received an email saying that their offices were closed until Jan. 2nd. Is your daughter getting the same thing?

@emflow yep i sent them an email and got the same thing back but I think it should be fine as long as you send it to the right email address

@emflow, my daughter received the same reply. I wouldn’t worry - I’m sure it’s an automated message because of the holiday break. The account is still monitored just not as regularly as when school is in session perhaps.