UWC 2018-2020

hey! happy thanksgiving to those who celebrate it… enjoy this day with whoever you have in your lives:) just a few more waiting days left. sending love your way bc i think we are all in the same waiting anxious nervous place. almost there.

Thank you for starting this thread! :slight_smile: It’s definitely very useful to get to know the other applicants!

yesterday i (applying through usa) found out i’m a semifinalist!

Anyone else from India who got the results?

Wow, great job on being a semifinalist! I also applied through the US but haven’t received anything… :frowning: Will they only notify those who were accepted?

Yes, I applied through the Indian committee, and apparently the deadline to send in your ACCEPTANCE was 1st december. I missed it and when i got a phone call to ask for my confirmation, it was then that I realised that I got in.

What about you? Check your email…

I did the interview on hangouts, but I’m so nervous waiting to see if I get to go to candidate weekend or not. Do any of you know when they’ll tell us if we’re a finalist or not?

xlllumina, my daughter had her interview a couple of weeks ago. The interviewer told her the committee was meeting on the 18th (today!) to go over applicants and select finalists and that she would hear sometime after that. Since the finalist weekend is only a month away, I would assume they will notify finalists quickly so my guess would be sometime this week. Good luck to you!

@txstateomind Oh my! Thank you so much for telling me, it gives me a greater peace of mind.
Like everyone else, I’m really hoping to get in, so I’ve been on edge today.
Good luck to your daughter, too!

Will I still be contacted if I don’t pass on to the next stage? I don’t think I could bear not knowing…

@xlllumina, I imagine they contact all applicants to let them know one way or the other; however, I don’t know if they notify everyone at the same time. It’s always hard to wait!

@txstateomind I see, thank you for telling me! I appreciate it; otherwise I imagine I’d refresh my email endlessly for a rejection or acceptance that might never come. Indeed, no matter how much my parent tells me that worrying is no use, I can’t help but think about it. I suppose I’m not as mature as I’d like to think, haha!

Hey, also a uwc usa semifinalist here. Have you heard if you’re going to New Mexico for the second interview yet?

@emflow No, I haven’t! That’s why I’ve been so nervous.
All I know is what txstateofmind said earlier about them reviewing applicants on the 18th. I’m so anxious for an email, I’ve been refreshing every couple minutes or so…

@xIllumina And every time your phone buzzes your heart rate jumps? We’re in the same boat :stuck_out_tongue:

@emflow Yeah, for sure :-SS At this rate, though, I bet they’ll send the email tomorrow or in the other coming days… It’s getting a little late now ;w;

If any semi finalists get an email on Finalist weekend, please comment in this thread or tag me! I’ll do the same if I get an email. Thanks!!!

@xIllumina Will do. Best of luck, I hope we both get to the next interview :slight_smile:

@emflow Thank you, you too!! (≧∀≦) Hoping for the best

Any USA semifinalists received word as to whether they made finalist yet?