VA Tech honors vs. W&M

<p>I want to major in government, and I know that W&M is significantly better for that major. However, how much of an advantage would it be to participate in the honors program at tech? I have heard that if you are offered honors somewhere, other colleges may offer you honors if you commit to those specific schools. Do you think it's possible for me to convince W&M to offer me honors?</p>

<p>I could be wrong, but I don't think that WM will offer a student a spot in their honors program based on one's acceptance into another school's honors program. They all have separate standards and in WM's situation, space to consider (? dorms and course enrollment/faculty positions).</p>

<p>I don't think it will negatively affect you at all if you are not in an honors program at WM or at VT. You will be taking a tough course load with sharp peers, some of whom are in honors, some who aren't. Having that denotation on your transcript/diploma is nice, but in the end it is your grades/gpa/personal character that will move you along. Don't worry so much! :)</p>

<p>Assuming you've visited both places and think that you'd be happy at either school I think W&M is probably better than VT (honors or no) for that sort of major.</p>