<p>Anyone here applying to Vagelos? I am..
what exactly are the details with it? double major in management and life sciences/bio? research and corporate internship? what else? is it possible to double major at penn between schools (i.e., management and bio) if you're not in a one of the programs?</p>
<p>it is possible but significantly easier if you are in wharton to start with (but it would be 2 degrees not a double major and you would have to satisfy the requirements for both schools… vagelos basically removes some of the requirements so you need fewer credits)</p>
<p>oh, ok. are there any other advantages of vagelos?</p>
<p>probably the name… sorry but i dont know that much about it (more research opportunities?)</p>
<p>i almost applied for this program…
advantages: great internships if you’re into them, tight community of 25 smart people, great advising.
disadvantages: have fun not sleeping! prepare to work your butt off for the next four years. you’re getting TWO degrees…</p>
<p>^I applied and I really find the entire idea of the program very interesting and worthwhile. Here’s to hoping for the best!</p>
<p>Why didn’t you apply CrystalPineapple?</p>
<p>I applied It’s pretty small and new, but more and more people are applying.</p>
<p>^i didn’t apply because i realized that i wasn’t too keen on the management part of the program. i ended up ED-ing to CAS for biochemistry though (AH DECEMBER 15th!). i’m not a business-y type person, so i wouldn’t have liked wharton (although huntsman hall is probably my favorite place on campus next to Hemo’s food truck.)
i’m probably going to end up doing an MD/PhD program after undergrad, so the Bachelors of Econ wouldn’t have helped all that much. plus i plan on double-majoring in music and biochem.
i question why i even thought of applying to vagelos in the first place…</p>
<p>yeah hemo is pretty awesome. that secret sauce…</p>
<p>i think this would be perfect for me because like you, crystalpineapple, i want more than an MD. if i do vagelos, then i’d be set for MD and MBA (i think?)</p>
<p>haha hemos!</p>
<p>211 views on this forum indicative that more than a few of us have applied ED. This is not good news. I was expecting the tanking economy to have lessened the number of applicants. I guess that it wasn’t enough to offset the baby boomers grand children generation surplus. However, i still doubt many people have the credentials for this niche specific program. Why did i just post? Because i can. On a different note i hope you all stressed in the essay how much you want to be premed! That should go very far. Keep it up all. We have some talented folks applying. Good work so far! I hope many people who post on this forum of sorts get what they deserve. Its not easy. Don’t give up yet.</p>
<p>^I didn’t mention premed anywhere in the essay–frankly, that’s not why I want to do the program (and I don’t think wanting to do premed will “go very far.”…it’s all in what you decide to do with what you learned.) I talked about something completely different than premed (moreso about research in third world contries).</p>
<p>i think he was kidding… hopefully.</p>
<p>I talked to students at Penn who said the only advantage of this program was the double major. Oh and the fact that you have people to suffer with lawlz</p>
<p>you can transfer out i guess if you dont like it</p>
<p>That’d never happen! (I hate quitting…)</p>
<p>i applieddddddddd…</p>
<p>vagelos is the sickest program. So many advantages (good community, free printing, plenty of parties with free food, amazing people, amazing networking with people in healthcare/biotech industries)</p>
<p>it is hard. don’t apply if you don’t like science.</p>
<p>– current vagelos student</p>
<p>lulz i was just kidding</p>