Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Never give up hope! For me, the ability to access the admitted student events portal changed over one night. I was able to access it. Next morning, I can’t. So maybe you just checked at the wrong time, or maybe this is just completely random.

Where are the admitted student event links?

They already changed it to showing something like “this event will open after regular decisions are released.” Just sit tight and wait for a bit. No need to suspect anything at this stage since the decisions will be released very soon.

Well like someone else said it seems suspect when it worked and then all of a sudden after a day of boards blowing up with it, they must have realized and fixed it. Changed to will be available soon.

We will see. For now, I think it is best to just forget about these subtle signs. Still, I will post how my decision works out here on CC because I definitely have an interesting case. I have seen people who could access it and those who could not, but have not yet seen anyone whose ability to access it changed over night.

I think it changed because they realized people were doing it and closed it for everyone, not something specific to you

Did yours say access denied or that the event is not open yet when you checked the next morning? If it said that it wasn’t open I think that everyone received that regardless of whether they could access it or not before

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Right, that was after they realized everyone found the hack.

At first, it led me to the registration page with all of my information pre-filed and all I needed to do was to press the registration button. The next morning, I went to the same pace, but it changed to access denied. Then, it changed to the generic message that we see now. In fact, I think I was the first one to bring it up that they changed the admitted student events registration portal on CC. My experience with the portal is definitely pretty weird.

Hoping and praying that everyone gets good news this week.


Thank you so much for the info! The fact that it changed for you gives me hope haha


To me this would indicate acceptance, since you were able to log in and register for the event. It then become known oops we left this open and those admitted can register and know admittance ahead of time. Knowing this it was adjusted so there were no longer sneak peeks. Now that being said I am holding on to the hope that just maybe my son wasn’t loaded into the system yet. I have however made peace with it.

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I don’t know. Maybe they decided to admit me at first and then wanted to reject me after one night? Who knows at this point. I am still believing that this is probably just random. Even though it is also reasonable that this portal may be an indicator.

No you are admitted and then they caught wind of the discovery and shut it down. But never believe anything until you see that acceptance.

Thank you for your kind words. But now, I will just sit tight and wait. Best of luck to your son!

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Speaking of Hack, it happened in GA tech as well for the last few years. “Pay Now” button appeared several hours (or half-day) prior to the announcement time. But, it seems they still did not fix it.

CAn you guys please cahnce me. I freaking out.
I’m an international student studying the A-Level curriculum.
→ I have a 4.0/4.0 UW GPA
→ I come #35 out of 950 (maybe 1200 students- not too sure due to recent expansion) students at my high school
→ SAT got a 1360. (noot submitted)
→ Predicted 3A* at A-Level (Mathematics, Econ, Business)
→ Wasn’t allowed to partake in extracurriculars due to some reasons but tried my best to pursue those things which I’m interested in. I know they are extremely unorthodox and probably have no weightage in the eyes of the admissions officers.

Started my own Charity (Unofficial- Doesn’t have a name and isn’t registered yet)
Became a self-taught forex and stocks trader and also teach trading- to help my father financially and to pay for the charity.
took care of my grandparents on a regular basis.
tutored my younger cousin
was the captain of 3 business competitions
Am an unofficial fitness trainer and nutritionist
Am a micro Instagram influencer- make my own content/earn some money too.
Miscellaneous activities/hobbies- participated in a couple of badminton tournaments at my club, frequently paint/draw, etc
→ I also faced certain extenuating circumstances because of which I got mediocre O-Level results and because of which I was also not allowed to participate in ECAs.
→ financial aid needed

I’ve been rejected from all my US unis so I’m not expecting anything good. Surprisingly even my safties rejected me.

your aid is probably why you’re getting rejected everywhere btw.

Seriously? can one factor get me rejected from 8 unis? i knew US unis were very greedy when it comes to intl FA but many students do get it. I honestly think my whole application is pretty lame. i’ve seen the application of students who apple to these top 50 schools and they are all extremely accomplished. I look like an idiot in front of them.

yeah nope. needing aid can turn very strong candidates into rejections. sorry about your decisions so far. I hope you get in somewhere :).