Vanderbilt Class of 2027 Official Thread

Better things will happen for your Dd. She seems amazing.


Thank you - trying to stay hopeful but this admissions process has been rough. She will excel anywhere she goes but I just hope she doesn’t doubt herself due to this process.


If your DD applied for RD, then she wouldn’t know about the scholarships until mid-march. I spoke to someone at the admissions at Vanderbilt and that’s what they said. Good luck to her.


My DD seems fine so far, I’ve started to doubt the advice I’ve given her. We really made a point of visiting schools, and looking for schools that we thought were a great fit for her academically, socially, etc. Now I wonder if she should have done just a broad application process.

I am in agreement with you. I have friends who decided not to visit schools (they did the online visits) and therefore, neither the parent nor the applicant fell in love with any particular school. Our applicant “saw themselves” at a particular school where they were rejected - and it has been really frustrating. Highest rigor, all A’s, high SAT, interesting ECs - however, has found themselves rejected or deferred from the majority of their EA schools. They do have an accept from 2 of their safety/targets. However, those aren’t exciting to them. It’s been interesting to say the least. I am one exhausted “cheerleader” these days :joy:


We did visit a lot of schools and I know the type of environment that would best fit her. She also applied to certain schools that offered merit but I think her choice of major was the problem- most competitive major to do at this point. Regardless I may just encourage her to go to our state flagship it’s not the best fit for her because of very large size but being in the honors college will make it feel smaller since it’s great for the major and she already has a strong internship (considered one of the best places to work in our state, one of the places with happiest employees, and also hard to get a job here) that if she keeps up with hopefully will get a job there after she graduates.


We applied RD so still don’t know outcome but I feel your pain. My child is too do the class of over 600, high sat, plays sports, volunteers and has been rejected from his top two choices which I thought were good fits and on paper looked like he would be accepted. Very frustrated with the college process this year. Who is getting into these schools ? I know there are kids in my sons hs that applied to 30 schools. Are they all taking the same spots ???

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We are from a small school, <75 kids in the graduating class. There are certain students who have gotten in to all of their EA’s - same or lower stats than those who have been deferred or rejected.


Friend of my DD has gotten into every school she’s applied to. Her academics are below my D’s, and she’s not an engineering student, but I read her essays and they were terrific. She probably applied to 20-some odd schools, has no intentions of going to most, but her essays knocked it out of the park. They were masterful stories, though I don’t know how that helps in her intended major. My D is a good writer, but she’s definitely more of a science/math girl and I was hoping AO’s would judge her essays accordingly. What’s shocking to me is the highest ranked college that accepted her was the one we didn’t visit, and the one we see as the least fitting for her (outside of its T25 ranking, and T10 ranking for engineering). ! I know “holistic” reviews are the buzzword, but our personal anecdote says it’s nothing but this year’s catchphrase. It’s disappointing bc my D took on the most rigorous course load through her four years and quite frankly, didn’t need to.


Give it time. When all is said and done your D may end up with one of her top choices.


My son is RD and found out that he received the Chancellor’s scholarship. He was informed by email about a week ago.


Congrat! what is his status if you do not mind sharing?

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What do you mean by status?

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Maybe stats?

Are we automatically considered for scholarships? I feel like there was a deadline/essays I might have missed

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There are three full tuition scholarships ( Cornelius Vanderbilt, Chancellor and Ingram) for which you fill a separate application with their own essays.


Are these scholarships by invitations or are they part of the initial application?

That’s fantastic. Can I ask if it came to his private email or was it through the Vanderbilt email system? I know for our daughter this scholarship was a long shot so we are not totally surprised she didn’t receive. Good work!

Only Vanderbilt MOSAIC ( multicultural student recruitment program) who also were given chancellor scholarships were announced. The rest are not out yet.