Vandy, Dartmouth, Cornell, UPenn, Stanford

<p>I am a transfer student, and
Here are my stats:</p>

<p>go to small private college in FL
HS record:
4.7 weighted, 4.0 weighted
APs: Calc bc (5), calc ab (5), enligh lit (3), u.s. history (5), european history (5), physics b (3), world history (4)
SAT score- old (1390 710 M 690 English)
New SAT score- 750 CR 630 M 650 writing, which if combined for highest scores yields </p>

<p>750 CR 710 M 670 W = 2130
NOTE: sections are comparable so it is okay to do this according to colleges that ask for highest score</p>

<p>extracurriculars: nothing amazing
Relay For Life, Art Festival, Food for Families- chairperson for school
NHS- executive council member
Mayor's Academy Representative
Freshman secretary, sophomore president
Community service: 300+ hours</p>

<p>College record:
Major: Biochemistry and Economics
first semester GPA: 3.8
classes for the year:
honors 1- humanities
honors 2- equity
english 140
bio 120
organic 220
chem 120
econ 205
econ 202
econ 126
Editor of Non-fiction for school literary magazine
writing consultant
Online Journalist
Muslim Student Association/ Indian student association</p>

<p>Well, tell me what you think? Do I have a shot?
By the way, with my stats in high school, I got rejected form Brown (because I bs'ed app), Johns Hopkins, and Washington University in St. Louis</p>

<p>bump a lump- come on, you know you have something to say!</p>