Vegan Food Options at Muhlenberg?

Hi - I’m wondering about the availability and variety of vegan food options at Muhlenberg. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

I thought I saw a vegan section when I was there last summer with my vegetarian child. The food at Muhlenberg was much better quality than at William & Mary where our vegan child goes. Hopefully a current student will chime in to confirm that vegan options are available.

Also (yes, I know vegan isn’t an allergy), there is a company that specializes in college planning for students with allergies and I think they have a database you can search.

A friend of mine has a daughter with celiac disease and found their info very helpful.

Muhlenberg does have a vegan option, a vegetarian option, a kosher option as well as all the other options… ie. grill etc. Lots of healthy options. They do a great job with food services. They also hold special events where they do fun things like compete with other nearby colleges in preparing dishes to compete to see who has the best chefs.

thanks, @VAOptimist, @JanMom, and @beenthereanddone! We are looking forward to a Muhlenberg visit in April!