Ventures Scholars

<p>The Ventures Scholars Program is a national membership program designed to help underrepresented and first-generation college-bound students interested in pursuing math- and science-based careers link to information, resources, and opportunities that will help them successfully pursue their career goals.</p>

<p>It is not a scholarship program, but it does have good information on resources for URM students, is a way to get on college lists and is an academic honor for college applications. Membership is based on test scores, gpa, URM/first gen status and interest in math/science.</p>

<p>Here's the website:</p>

<p>Ventures</a> Scholars: High School: Overview</p>

<p>Thanks Entomom - I went to the website and it seems like a great tool. There are top notch universities that participate. I can only wonder as to why my son’s guidance counselor does not have this info.</p>

<p>Thanks. I looked at the website briefly, and ds certainly qualifies.</p>



<p>I’m not surprised, very few counselors know about resources for URMs. And it’s a shame, as there are currently scholarship based summer programs, fly in visits to colleges, merit scholarship opportunities, etc. available, but the advertisement for these opportunities is almost nil. </p>

<p>I’m so glad CC started this subforum, one of my goals is to start posting some threads listing various resources for Latino students.</p>

<p>I also am happy for the subforums, including recruited athletes. There are some groups of kids who just have different considerations when it comes to picking colleges.</p>

<p>My daughter just got a nomination for this via email… Didn’t even know about it, but I’m definitely happy to hear there are some scholarship opportunities for some schools she is applying to… If anyone can share their experience with the program I would greatly appreciate it.</p>

<p>We get email updates from Ventures, some are not so helpful (ideas for what to do for summer in June–too late to apply to many programs) and some pretty good (diversity weekend notices).</p>

<p>Here is a link to other science related programs. Since my second child is a science lover my focus will now be on that since DS left for college last week.</p>

<p>[Introduction</a> to the NASA MUST Project](<a href=“”> I think it includes a college scholarship and you study at NASA facility</p>

<p>[Interamerican</a> College of Physicians and Surgeons, Inc.](<a href=“]Interamerican”> National HispanicYouth Initiative for Science Program Free program in DC </p>

<p>[STEP</a> UP](<a href=“STEP-UP Home Page”>STEP-UP Home Page) </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>[url=&lt;a href=“”&gt;]Summer</a> Opportunities for ALANA* Undergraduate Students](<a href=“]Program[/url”></p>

<p>[Welcome</a> to AHETEMS](<a href=“]Welcome”></p>

<p>Another thing to think of is that our city has a great program through the local science alliance and the association of women in science. I don’t have info for other cities but if your child is a potential venture scholar do the research to find out what else is out there. Under the local program my daughter was selected in 8th grade and the program will follow her for her 4 years of high school. The program offers 7 monthly workshops on various subjects and summer internships at local companies and universities in the science field. They also beginning soph year offer a college application and college essay writing workshop for her each year. The cost of this program is nothing and just part of the STEM effort so I highly encourage everyone to see if there is anything similar in your community. At the end of the program the girls are eligible for scholarships to college. </p>

<p>Here is one such program in Illinois. [Girls</a> Engaged in Math and Science (GEMS) - About](<a href=“]Girls”></p>

<p>Here is one in California [BE</a> WiSE — San Diego Science Alliance](<a href=“]BE”> </p>

<p>Although this post is directly related to the Ventures program I just wanted to show what other science opportunites are out there for Latino students.
Good Luck</p>

<p>Great information, thanks itsv!</p>

<p>How would one sign up for this? I haven’t been nominated as far as I know, although I have been for the NHRP and I meet all of the requirements!</p>

<p>Although the website talks about being nominated, you become a Ventures Scholar via online self-registration:</p>

<p>[Ventures</a> Scholars Program | Online Application](<a href=“]Ventures”></p>

<p>Since Ventures does not have scholarships related to it, and since it is primarily an information sharing vehicle, they only require self-reporting.</p>

<p>The application is a little unusual in that it doesn’t have a place to list higher level courses in STEM subjects. Just an FYI for anyone who might be considering filling out the application.</p>

<p>Ah thank you very much!</p>