veri confused premed :/ plz help

<p>Okay, so I got my ap scores and i received a 5 on both ap calculus bc. I'm going to be a life-science major so I know i have to take math3a, 3b, 3c. But, since medical school doesn't accept ap credit..does this mean i have to take math3a, 3b, and 3c anyways? or do i have to take math 3c and other hard math classes to fulfill my one year requirement of math? </p>

<p> it wise to take like chemistry and two ges first quarter or should i take chem n a math course or something so that in the future, i will not be forced to take all my pre-med requirements at once and instead i can balanfce them with g.e.s </p>


<p>You cannot take 3A and 3B. You must take 3C and two additional math classes. Just take two easy statistics classes.</p>

<p>You could also take 32A, 32B, and another math class I think.</p>

<p>take what thicouldbeheavn said… i heard 32a/b is actually pretty easy… with math 3c, you’ll be stuck with premeds.</p>

<p>so i definitely cannot take math3a and math3b even if i wanted to cuz it would be a pretty easy course considering ive taken calculus in highschool…?</p>

<p>thank u for the suggestions…anyone else?</p>

<p>32a is really easy. Although most people say that 32b is ridiculously hard, it is actually not that bad. Stokes’s Theorem is probably the only concept that may give you trouble in 32b. And the last concept that you learn in 32b, Divergence Theorem, is so much easier than Stokes’s Theorem.</p>

<p>you can choose not to use your AP credit and just go into the 3ABC series, provided that you’ve taken the math diag test during orientation. if you do use your AP credit to take the 31/32 series, keep in mind that you will still need 3 quarters of math to fulfill med school reqs.</p>

<p>jinobi: thanks for the reply! also…does ap calc credit excuse u from 31a/b only or does it also include 3a/b…wat would u suggest going wit? thanks</p>

<p>^yes it does</p>

<p>ap credit only for 31a/b.</p>

<p>thanks guys! srry for the constant questions…but does wat u do the summer befor eur freshman year in undergrad count for med. school cuz i have an internship right now and im wondering if it’s worth anything for med. school</p>

<p>Why wouldn’t it?</p>

<p>yes, it counts.</p>

<p>and no, you cannot opt out of your AP credit. you must use it. if you got a 4, you could, but with a 5 you must take 3C/32A.</p>

<p>honestly, you should have failed the AP tests on purpose. youre kinda screwed. to get the most coverage for med schools, you should have one year of college calculus + 1 stats class. that means you have to (best case scenario) take 3C, 32A, one more calc class (maybe 32B or 33A), and a stats class.</p>

<p>that sucks dawg. and you cant take em at a community college because that is heavily looked down upon.</p>

<p>actually i dont know. every school that says they specifically require calculus says that AP credit can count for it. otherwise they just say a year of college math…</p>

<p>[UCLA</a> Department of Mathematics](<a href=“Undergraduate Program | UCLA Department of Mathematics”>Undergraduate Program | UCLA Department of Mathematics)</p>

<p>thats a very useful link for pre-med students and math courses…i just have one question…on the page it says u can take 3c+ two other courses or 32a,32b, and 33a…would it be possible to take 32a and two stats courses just like u can taek 3c and two stats courses?</p>