Very hard essay topic

<p>How would I respond to a topic like this
"Is knowledge better than (i am making this up so uh..) common sense?"
I have no clue on what examples to use... Please help me</p>

<p>common sense is better: knowlege w/o application is waste</p>

<p>computer programs
interpersonal relations
thomas paine</p>


<p>I figured out book examples as well!
I just thought about it and it came all in 5 mins!
Common sense by Thomas Paine (i laughed when I thought of this one. It required common sense to think about it >.<)
Vietnam - people didn't require any expert knowledge about what and why we were at vietnam etc.
and I forgot the last one..
And for my refutation in the conclusion..
Alberit Einstein worked w/ knowledge in making the atomic bomb (inadvertenetly) and w/o common sense he created one of the worst things etc..
Overall I see what you mean. Its not as hard as I thought.</p>

<p>lol...eventuallly --> 5 mins</p>

<p>Yeah...a lot of the time, with these essay topics, you have to just pick something and go with it immediately regardless of difficulty, or else you won't finish. For that one I probably would have used some philosophical theory and words like "excessive pedantry."</p>