<p>Unweighted GPA - 86 Weighted GPA - 89
SAT - 1st time- Reading: 490 Math: 550 Writing: 500
2nd time- Reading: 600 Math: 590 Writing: 620
3rd time- taking them on November 5th - planning to improve more (especially in math)
AP's: english, spanish, biology
Honor's: english, spanish, living environment, chemistry, physics, global, U.S. history,
other courses: forensics, word processing, civics, geography, finance, music</p>
<p>EC's: newspaper, JROTC, many many different and long hours of community service (not going to write it all out, but JROTC hooked me up), JROTC Armed Drill Team National Champions (extremely demanding team wrote about it for my essay), Aspira</p>
<p>Recommendations: from chemistry teacher, guidance counselor, from head of the forensics institute, and from a Master Sergeant (about drill)</p>
<p>places I'm applying to:
Stony brook
boston U
University at Albany
U at Buffalo
Hofstra University
New Paltz
Hunter College
city college
queens college
rutgers (New Brunswick)</p>