very very not perfect.

<p>oh big weight and all others thank you too</p>

<p>oh and yeah chances for wisco, ill, wf, oxford. thanks </p>

<p>...stray away from this hah</p>

ok just to like end this little feud which i really didn't want to instigate at all. blue_g8orade: thank you for the posts, i appreciate them a lot. </p>

<p>Tvalentine: to me, as a guy who would like to think he knows his way around the college system, i think that AA helps you if you're on the borderline, it helps you get over the top. all that stuff. EX. a friend of mine last year got into wisconsin with a 3.0. Wisconsin does use AA, it's a well known fact, hell they even admit it. his sat's were good too, but if you paired him to someone else who's not urm who has a 3.3 with the same sat's, i'm going to guess they take the urm b/c of the AA. that's all i'm saying, and i don't mean to instigate any arguments here. I appreciate your thoughts, though, and understand exactly where you're coming from. i think it's simply a matter of misunderstanding between us in what we think AA means and how i hope it can help me.


The AA 'feud' was invited by your first post, now lets discuss. I don't think you would have mentioned it if you didn't want to talk about it. </p>

<p>On all my applications I'm selecting "I prefer not to say" for both Gender AND Race. I don't think uncontrollable (by that I mean you have no control over your skin color/gender. It's just something you're born with) superficial things like that should even be evaluated during the admissions process. </p>

<p>If your friend got in because of his being a hispanic, and other white people with the same grades would have been rejected were they in the same boat, then do you agrere with that? Also, unless you have evidence that it happened, I'm gonna say you're just making it up. AA does not do that. </p>

<p>Anyway good luck with getting in, if you're in mid-range, then I'd say you're safe.</p>

<p>I was just wondering how your gpa is different at Wisc and oxford than in Illinois and Wake. I know that some schools weigh grades diferently and was wondering if you know how Wake Forest wieghts a student's Gpa</p>

<p>I'm not so sure you are in at Illinois. Last year I applied to the business school (harder to get in than LAS) w/ a 31 ACT and 3.95w, 3.6uw, as a resident of illinois and didn't get in. I personally wans't a urm; I'm not sure if things would have been different if I had been.</p>

<p>ok well i'm def. not making it up. and quite frankly, colleges that are private can do whatever the hell they like, and if it's mandated by a certain state, then so be it. I know it's taken into consideration at some of the places i listed, that's why i mentioned it. </p>

<p>Ahirsch, all colleges either look at UW gpa or W gpa, and with their own scales, that's how i found it. and feel free to chance anyone</p>

Wake Forest-reach (it's a tough school)
Oxford college of Emory- safety</p>

<p>Well for chances...</p>

<p>Wisconsin- match
Oxford college of emory- match/safty...depending on how competative it has gotten since last year
Illinois match-match
Wake...its hard to tell...i have visited wake and have heard from many sources that the essay is a very big part of it...if you have a good essay i would say around a match, if you have an average essy i would say a little more of a reach...</p>

<p>...just wondering how u calculated your gpa in terms of the way wake forest they take the + and - out?</p>

<p>ahirsch i sent you a pm, with a more detailed answer than the crappy one i left earlier haha</p>

<p>oh and i did a whole bunch of comm. service, too. to add into the ec's</p>

<p>so for the most part they're matches, in spite of the bad test scores and ok gpa?</p>

<p>Emory seems to be a stretch.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>match me back too please?</p>

<p>illinois isn't significantly difficult to get into, is it. or is the 71% admit rate misleading</p>

<p>oh and if you want to chance me at georgia tech, where they'll see a 3.45 gpa and a 32 on the english and 28 on the math section (1330), then please do so and add that to the list. I didn't get the PS semi-finalist, but didn't expect to. So I want to know if I can get into the school. hopefully; it's my number 1</p>

<p>I'd say you're probably in at all of them.</p>

<p>Even as a URM, Emory is a reach. But you will probably get into Wake Forest and illinois.</p>

<p>i'm not sure about wisconsin. i live there, and even with my in-state status, its considered a reach for me with a 28 ACT and a 3.64 unweighted gpa, 3.89 weighted. they put a lot of emphasis on rank, which is why its harder for me, I think. I go to a competitive hs, so my rank is like 85/387 or something.</p>

<p>i think you're in everywhere, wake forest may be a high match, however. i agree with everyone else... you can't bank on affirmative action. good luck :)</p>

<p>yeah i know, i just hope it helps a little</p>

<p>Being Hispanic is great. A lot of colleges are looking for underrepresented minorities and you fit the bill. b/c ur applying to all Liberal arts colleges u have a really good chance. Your a fit at LAS Illinois and Wisconsin and WFU. Oxford is a slight reach but your athleticism really helps. U might be able to get a sports scholorship to some of these schools if ur good.</p>

<p>haha as much as i appreciate that parth, idk about that. I mean i'm decent but eh..</p>

<p>oh and can i get a chance for USC too? that'd be the 3.28 too. taht's prob. a stretch too though. and georgia tech, 3.45, 28 and 32.</p>