Villanova University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

My Son deferred from Nova.

ACTs: 34
Tons of ECs, Student Council, Eagle Scout, Impressive work experience with private equity firm, banks, non-profit, all AP courses, Varsity athlete, yadda, yadda, yadda…

It is what it is… :frowning:

Daughter accepted. UW 4.0. All State Tennis Player. Girls State. Started a Non profit.
Have to agree that the college admission process is unpredictable/arbitrary. That is probably why a lot of schools are getting a record number of applications. Most high STAT students need to apply to numerous competitive schools to improve their chances.


Son denied for Business School EA. 1450 SAT 3.7uw/4.8w 9 APs Tons of community service. Top ranked public high school in the country. Seemed like he had very strong essays.

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Did any accepted students receive word on Honors, or does that come later?

@Lg92243 I’m so sorry. As I’ve said from the beginning of this process (this is my 3rd cycle in 3 years) college admissions are a business transaction. It’s wrong and awful and unfair but unfortunately the truth. Whoever offers to pay the highest amount will always be the winner. Now go hug your sweet child and tell them they’re a rockstar and everyone knows it 🫶🏼


Your son has a lot of talent. Admissions are crazy. Good luck to you both.


Your comment about “stupid” concerns me. It’s the college admissions system in this country that is stupid! Hang in there, you seem like a very bright, interesting guy and you will do well where ever you end up!

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Similar situation here for my daughter.

I respectfully disagree with the statement “whoever offers to pay the highest amount will always be the winner”. I have many colleagues and friends who have made six figure donations to their alma maters and have very high stat, full pay kids, who were flat out rejected. And not only were they rejected from parents alma maters but the entire UC system, all the Ivies, and other top schools. We are talking kids with 1600 SATs and valedictorians and great ECs. I was a first-generation low income student myself when I applied to college. My parents were immigrants that never finished middle school. I was given a chance at an Ivy and did well. My husband and I pledged to pay tuition for a first-generation low-income student at our alma mater over the past several years as a way to give back. My high stat kid applied ED and was deferred but a much lower stat kid from her school was accepted. This process is random and unpredictable and doesn’t always make sense, even from a business perspective.


Deferred: Class rank 2 / 475, 4.0 UW, NMSF, 1540 SAT, committed 4+ years to a decent list of ECs. Most rigorous course load possible with all A’s. Bio major.

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FWIW, my daughter was deferred last year with 1510/34, 11 APs, 4.45 WGPA and tons of ECs. She was accepted RD at BC and EA at UVA OOS (where she is attending). Those both should have been tougher admits on paper.

Hard to wrap your head around how some admissions decisions are made sometimes.


She sounds amazing and ended up where she was supposed to be. Just wondering, did she ultimately get admitted at Villannova after the deferral?


it is about the yield. ED students have committed to the school. EA applicants are hedging their bets, so to speak - often using top schools like Villanove, etc as a back up to super high academic schools. This process is not a meritocracy - it is a business.


@my5kids 100% yes.

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She was waitlisted on the RD round. So never admitted to Villanova.

May I ask what major?

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Hi there. My daughter was deferred with pretty identical stats to 00005cc above. She doesn’t know one person from her highly ranked high school, with similar stats, that was accepted, all deferred or denied. Honestly, I told her Nova was really never a possibility since it doesn’t sound like there would be any merit $ anyway. Onwards and upwards!


My daughter has identical stats to yours. Boy, would she be excited to get in at UVA. We thought that was near impossible as OOS.

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In 2019 my daughter was accepted into honors with those stats, with $0 merit aid. She went elsewhere and was happy where she landed.

Thanks for the confirmation! She’s particularly interested in a school where she is up for large scholarships and happens to be in a very warm climate :wink: Isn’t it crazy though. My older daughter went to college in 2018. The kids who went to college before 2021 seemed to have gone in the nick of time before all heck broke loose with college admissions.