Virginia Tech Business Chances

Could anyone tell me what they think my chances are at VT
White male oos applies business marketing
Gpa: 3.5 UW
Sat math:630 reading 560
2 sport athlete
3 year lacrosse state champion
Lacrosse individual awards
3 jobs with a lot of hours
Volunteer work
3 letters of rec
3 essays
2 AP
1 IB
2 College classes through a SUNY school

See attached link for Business admissions. It is your best (high level) indication on where you sit compared to prior years’ students at least. Obviously, this does not account for the rigor of actual classes, grading scales, etc.

2017 Business Avg GPA 3.9 Avg SAT 1240.

@bboop42 I’m guessing the gpa they use is weighted?

I may be wrong, but I believe they use a 5 point scale.

@collegesoon1221, Yes, I imagine it is.

@Time2Shine thank you!! I’m not sure how to convert my gpa to a 5.0 scale so I guess I’ll just have to wait and see on March 5th…fingers crossed!!

I believe a 5 point scale is based on many schools offering an additional 1 point for AP classes. So, an A = 5 pts vs 4 pts. So, if this is the case, you can take your UW grades and adjust accordingly as an estimate.

Okay thank you so it looks like my sat is a little below but my gpa is there, hopefully the EC,letter of rec and jobs will make up for it

Anxiously waiting for tommorow, I know nobody knows about this year but what do you think my odds are^^