Virginia Tech Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Clemson letter says a minimum of $45k but actual amount will be communicated in March.

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Wow! Congrats! That’s amazing!

I think what Bluesky is referring to is that Clemson did offer merit with EA admissions but said amounts would not be provided until March. My student also hasn’t been informed of amount of merit yet, so also curious when you heard.


Sorry - DS did not apply to Clemson. My statements were more general. Seems that most schools that did really early admissions cycles release merit/aid later (Feb/Mar). Obviously there’s exceptions to that (i.e. UTK that has a merit table based on GPA and SAT/ACT).

If someone wants to know specifically when/what for a school one option is to look back at past year threads to see when information was released - which is still a guess - or call Fin Aid office.

In general it seems that everything should be knowing by 4/1 and gives all of us a month to decide what’s right before deposits are due 5/1. Waiting is frustrating though.

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Son waitlisted OOS for architecture
Unweighted gpa 4.0. weighted 4.4, 33 ACT
Lots of EC and AP classes.
Has great acceptances to Tulane, Auburn, and UMiami with merit money and honors college.
But VTech was one of his favorites. Not sure
if he will hear back before 5/1. Still waiting on GTech decision too, was deferred.

I don’t think its yield protection as much as trying to get a national class makeup. My son had 4.5 GPA and 1500 SAT and was accepted to engineering, but is OOS. the CDS indicates:

Very important: Rigor of curriculum, GPA, Essay, whether you are first generation college student, geographic residence, state residence, race/ethnicity.

I think they just have a pool of very qualified in-state applicants and can’t accpet them all while trying to also balance with the geography criteria, thus many similar stat acceptances go to OOS (not to mention the tuition delta they may gain vs. in state).

Good point, I do think some posters may be hurt by living in Northern VA which is known for having tons of very qualified applicants.


I don’t live in NoVA but I live right across the Potomac and have many friends in NoVa. I was told that the standards for kids from nova are higher than the rest of the state. Same with UMD. My daughter was rejected (not deferred/waitlisted) to UMD and accepted at VT. I am VT alum so that may have played small part. But it is incredibly frustrating as a lifetime MD taxpayer that my smart, awesome DD can’t go to our state school if she wanted to. The standards to get in UMD vary based on the county you live in and the counties with the higher standards are the parents who are paying the most in taxes. I’m so incredibly grateful that my DD was accepted to VT but I empathize with the frustration felt by VA residents whose kids did not. What is worse for MD is the fact that our state does not have a lot of decent schools to choose from like VA does.


We have the same issue with our flagship here in NC. Lots of high stat kids applying from the two largest, wealthiest counties. Both VA and NC are lucky in that they have multiple fantastic in-state options. I’m not familiar with MD and what your other options are outside of UMD.

Your DD will be in good company at VT - MD is well represented (I believe MD, NJ and NC are the top 3 who send kids out of state to VT).

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It’s so helpful when people share stats and admissions decisions.

There is a thread for ONLY Virginia Tech admissions results, so that people don’t have to sort through 500+ comments and lengthy discussion to quickly see results data.

If you haven’t already shared on the RESULTS ONLY thread, please consider doing so.

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We called admissions and the lady confirmed the “Non Degree Agricultural
.” is still being worked on but it’s not affecting how they see applicants on their end.


The Honors College stuff is definitely a mystery. Incoming freshmen have no way to apply directly other than clicking off a box. And if you look for actual criteria for being accepted, you won’t find it. It’s clear though that it’s not based just on stats. My kid (current VT freshman) had much higher stats & more rigor than a high school classmate who was invited to join honors, and my kid’s roommate got into honors also with lower stats I think. Their criteria is purposely vague I suspect, so they can take a more holistic approach. One of the aforementioned folks is a URM female and the other First Gen college student. I am not at all saying that’s WHY they were offered honors, just very anecdotal evidence that they may be looking beyond GPA and test scores (or even leadership, which my kid had a lot of). That said, the honors college seems to be much less of a big deal at VT than some other schools, is smaller, and less robust than what we saw at Purdue, Ohio State, NC State. As a previous poster pointed out, all who achieve a 3.6 GPA in their first 3 or 4 semesters at VT are invited to join honors. Most decline at that point, since one benefit is honors housing (which students may or may not want), and a registration boost. But my kid already has that due to having come in with enough AP credit for sophomore standing. Got all classes she wanted this year as a freshman. This is all to say, I wouldn’t put a whole lot of weight into not getting accepted to honors. I was a little befuddled at first when my kid wasn’t offered it, but it has turned out not to be a big deal at all. And it’s much less of a thing than say at Purdue where it seemed very ARE YOU IN HONORS? during admitted students day and there was a whole different track of classes for those folks (in engineering anyway). Doesn’t work like that at VT and there certainly isn’t that vibe that you’re a 2nd class citizen if you’re not in it.


Interesting. I couldn’t figure out how they distinguished either. My child was accepted into the honors program at Purdue. He was also auto admitted to honors at UGA. Not offered honors at Virginia Tech. It did seem like they were considering something other than the typical leadership/grades/rigor/scores. He was just glad he didn’t have to write essays - and likely wouldn’t have done it after completing the Purdue ones😂


I agree with you about honors at VT. I think a bunch of us had a similar discussion in 2021 about the holistic nature of VT’s honors selection process. After talking to friends who were in it (and a couple who had dropped it) my daughter didn’t see a compelling enough reason to accept the invite. I don’t see how not getting offered VT honors is a legitimate reason on its own not to go to VT - especially since they have a chance to join after first semester, but to each their own.

Yeah, my kid ran out of time to get the honors essays in by the Nov 1 deadline at Purdue last year, so that ship sailed. I was super impressed by everything at Purdue, but the whole honors/not honors thing there rubbed me a little bit the wrong way if I’m being honest

What were her test scores?


You are 100% correct, NOVA kids are held to a much higher standard when applying to VTech and UVA. It’s such a shame as like you rightly say, the $$$ tax dollars come from NOVA. VA schools want OOS students, it’s not at all like FSU, UGA UNCH who take a very high percentage of in-state students.

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Son admitted to engineering

OOS, 1530 SAT, rigorous STEM-heavy course load, entrepreneur and part-time job. 3.9 weighted GPA. Not a good class rank at a very competitive private school. Grades in 9th and 10th hurt GPA, but 4.5 in 11th and 12th. IMO his GPA has been a factor getting deferred at some other schools. Acceptance to VT is due to their holistic review.

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Similar situation. 1550 SAT (one try), 4.5 weighted, 11 AP classes (all the hard ones in chem, physics, math), 2 dual enrollments (multivariable calculus and linear algebra). Tons of EC and other good stuff. Problem is he’s from Northern Virginia and VT doesn’t want to be called University of Northern Virginia.

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Wondering how the NoVa applicants fare when applying to UVA?