Virginia Tech - Going in undecided

I’ve been accepted at Virginia Tech for the College of Engineering. However, I’m actually undecided as to what I want to major in. I applied to the College of Engineering because it is easier to transfer from that to University Studies than visa versa, and I was hoping that I would have things figured out by now but I don’t. I visited Virginia Tech and I fell in love with it. The campus, the community, the food, everything. I had a gut feeling when I visited. However, out of all the schools that I’ve been accepted to, it is probably the worst place to go as an undecided student. It’s extremely difficult to switch majors there, and while in University Studies, you’re not able to explore everything because you don’t have access to certain classes like general engineering. Also, they don’t have a wide variety of majors to explore. After all, they are Virginia TECH.
Please help, I’m extremely conflicted with all of this! Any input would be greatly appreciated!

You still have a while till you have to make a final decision, but I’d say some colleges allow students to go and sit in classes, so if that’s an option id try that. Also, if your completely undecided on what you want to major in, Virginia tech may not be the best place to go cause, like you said, the don’t have much of a variety. You said that you’ve gotten into other schools too, have you visited those? In my case I fell in love with quite a few school locations based on how they look after i visited, but having a variety of majors if you’re undecided is kind of important. Also if I may ask what your stats were for getting into virginia tech? I’m still waiting on my decision. Good luck making your decision!!

As you know, you were accepted as a General Engineering major in the COE. So, you can decide between any of the engineering majors and computer science in that college. As a General Engineering student you will have to take various classes that should meet the general introductory requirements of other colleges. You may also have AP credits that cover some of the CLEs for the other colleges. So switching out of the COE after one year isn’t optimal I don’t think it will set you back too much if you decide you transfer to Sciences or Business. If you take Chemistry/Biology or Physics that certainly will give you a taste for a major in the pure sciences. Business might be a little more difficult.

Don’t worry though, there are very many students that don’t know what they really want to focus on and many others that change their minds…

GPA: usually stays slightly above a 4.1
SAT Math: 630
SAT Reading: 590
SAT Writing: 630
Thanks for your input!

Official name is Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and is currently the most comprehinsive university in Virginia (according to state council of higher education of Virginia), so there are plenty of opportunities outside of engineering. In fact, most graduates gave degrees in fields other than engineering.