Virginia Tech Honors College- College of Science

I got accepted to Honors Engineering but my gf (who has really high stats) didn’t get a notification about getting into or getting denied from the College of Science Honors.

Has anyone gotten College of Science Honors program or are they not out yet?

They come out March 15th. It is written on the bottom of the application status page

But my Engineering one already came out?

They said there was a glitch. Your engineering one should be removed now. Please post if it is still there

Yep, its still there. says it was updated with it on the second

Did she apply Early or Regular? From the VT admission page… Early Decision notifications for the Honors College will be posted by December 15, 2017 and Regular Decision notifications will be posted by March 15, 2018.

@biomjr The glitch was relevant before RD decisions were announced but was rectified. What @len-bias7 is saying is that some students, along with their admission, have been informed of invite to honors and is wondering whether all invites have been issued or just those to COE kids. I haven’t noticed anyone other than COE students being informed of honors invites so it does raise the questions about whether other schools issue honors invites separately.

My daughter’s portal shows honors college invite. She is college of Science.

My daughter has honors and is not COE.

My daughter is College of Science / Bio Sciences and the very last row in your VT Portal is:
Honors College Decision / 03/02/18 / Invited. The Honors College will send official notification

Can you all post your stats? Thanks.

I have seen people post high test scores and not get in, I believe as someone has stated on other threads that they are looking more at grades in difficult classes and also someone who will be an active participant in the honors community. So people with leadership, community service and lots of other school involvement. I don’t think they just looked at test scores or GPA and picked people.

I agree.

My daughter was surprised to receive the invite because of her sat score. She has a 4.2 GPA, valedictorian of a class of 302 with excellent ecs that show her passion, leadership and lots of community service. Her sat score is 1420. We are finding that although other colleges she applied to claim to have a holistic approach, they do not. There seems to be a sat cut off score for scholarships and or honors.

How do you know if you were invited? Is it if the invited part is red?

Under your test scores they add a line that says honors decision and then it says invited - honors college will send…something like that)

My daughter received her letter from the honors college today.

@momofthree55 she received the letter from the Honors College or did she got the notification on her portal today (it said updated 3/9 with an invite)?

She had the notification in her portal on the 5th that said updated 3/2 and received a letter today