
Did anybody got Honors invitation along with decision letter. I see the Merit award with the decision, but did not find any about Honors.

I haven’t heard anyone mention ea honors decision so I assume they are sticking to the March date.

Ours posted today in the portal “Invited. The Honors College will send official notification”

@Bizdock where do you see the Honors invitation can you please let us know.

It’s in the “Requirement” section above the red “invited” language.

@Bizdock that is strange for us there is NO requirement section (anymore) after we got the decision, our last section is Current Program, that is very strange!!! I guess we have to wait and see.

@AAA124555 my son applied Regular Decision (so we haven’t heard yet) but his Requirement section disappeared today too. I wondered what that was about…

@hokieinCO my son applied in EA we had the requirement section till Friday morning, and he got the admission offer on Friday. After that he does not have the requirement section anymore. So not sure what it means maybe it was only for showing Honors invitation, maybe??

@AAA124555 I wish it would mean that we are going to find out soon if he got in! The waiting is killing me.

For us it was gone on Friday when we got the decision. Today it reappeared with “Invited. The Honors College will send official notification” as a row in that table. For a brief period, the table had another line - I was too excited about the honors decision that I had to call my family. By the time I came back and logged in again that row was gone. Maybe a disappearing section is a good sign - lie Michigan EA.

@bizdock So are you saying that it was there and now it is no longer showing up?

It is still showing up. I am saying - in addition to that line there was another line which is gone now. I didn’t notice what it was. Sorry if I wasn’t clear.

Slightly nervous. No one else in his school have received honors decision either.

When inquiring about Honors notifications for those accepted, VT Admissions responded and told us that all honors notifications have been posted to the online portals. I’m assuming they are referring to those accepted so far, not the RD notification that haven’t come out yet.

I was just told a minute ago by the admissions office that honors college notification won’t be posted until March 15.

@nhpanther is this true also for EA candidates or for the RD?

@nhpanther Were they referring to RD applicants perhaps? As it wouldn’t make sense to post Honors information if applicants haven’t even received their acceptance notification yet.

I asked about EA candidates. Sorry, didn’t think to ask about RD, but I assume it’d be the same.

Hmm I thought it was a done deal for EA candidates but maybe not? Well…inconsistent information …Big school, they have a lot going on and they must be beyond busy. I do think it’s odd because I thought there would be more students posting about it if all the notifications were out.

@nhpanther so did you call the Honors college? Did they inform you this?