Virginia Tech Notification 2016

accepted undecided 3.1 gpa 1180 sat corps of cadets
3 jobs
3 volunteer gigs
football team captain and mvp
recipient of 2 awards and a 1500$ scholarship

Accepted to Meteorology (@ms7512 cool major pick)
3.47 GPA unweighted
1360 SAT Out of state
Internship, 9 APs, and Essays probably helped

Accepted College of Engineering
White Male
3.45 unweighted G.P.A. (Moved during high school which had an effect)
No A.P. Classes (not because my school doesn’t offer them though my high school is ranked #1 in State by some publications)
28 ACT
Year long Internship at Fortune 100 company, Eagle Scout, TSA event state champion. Many leadership roles, lots of volunteering, wrote all 3 essays.

This school is truly holistic in their review. I fell in love with the place when I visited. Just because you dont’t meet the average stats do not be afraid to apply. They truly value extra curricular activities as can be seen by my acceptance. #VT21

Based on the looks of it is it absolutely necessary to write all 3 essays, or will VT be alright with just 2?

Always write the maximum.

Out of state clearly has a better chance getting in both ED and RD IMHO.

There are pockets in VA where it is ultra competitive to be accepted as well.

It’s very competitive to get from NoVA. They also value SAT scores a lot as seen from two of my sons friends status.
Both have 9 AP courses and one accepted is in Football team and the other in Tennis. Both Loudoun county schools.

One got accepted to College of Engineering with
GPA 3.9
SAT 1480 (new)

This one got differed
GPA 4.3
SAT 1380

@kitsVA Well I’m gonna have to disagree on their choice to weight the SAT more. Seems nonsensical to weight a decision more on a test designed to trick you and have you select the incorrect answer than test one’s abilities. But hey, it’s not like fixing that would make the process any more fair. We have the issue of schools clearly preferring out of state applicants solely on the ability to acquire more money.

i doubt that’s it. 1380 is above the middle 50 percentile offered last year, so thats a high score tech. did they apply to the same major? if appying ge were more As in math and science than not? were the APs like calc and chem, or pscyh and art, any good essays, anything else that may be different?

@undercover007, we don’t know that level of details about them but it’s possible as the one accepted did better with Math and Science as he was focused to get into VaTech early and focused more on Science and Math curriculum.

Differed from College of Science
Hispanic Male
3.8 GPA
31 ACT
1390 SAT
11 AP classes
Student Council President
4 years of 2 varsity sports